我正在使用GWT-Strophe连接到我的 XMPP 服务器。一切进展顺利,我能够连接到我的 XMPP 服务器并向其他用户发送消息。我在接收消息时遇到问题。我正在尝试复制 Strophe echobot 示例,但是当收到消息时,我的处理程序中的代码没有被执行。
connection = new Connection("http://localhost/proxy/");
handler = new Handler<Element>() {
public boolean handle(Element element) {
String to = element.getAttribute("to");
String from = element.getAttribute("from");
String type = element.getAttribute("type");
NodeList<com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element> elems = element.getElementsByTagName("body");
if ((type == null ? "chat" == null : type.equals("chat")) && elems.getLength() > 0) {
Element body = (Element) elems.getItem(0);
GWT.log("ECHOBOT: I got a message from " + from + ": " + body.getText());
String[][] attributes = {{"to", from}, {"from", to}, {"type", "chat"}};
Builder reply = Builder.$msg(attributes).cnode(body.copy());
GWT.log("ECHOBOT: I sent " + from + ": " + body.getText());
return true;
StatusCallback callback = new Connection.StatusCallback() {
public void statusChanged(Status status, String reason) {
if (status == Status.CONNECTING) {
GWT.log("Strophe is connecting.");
} else if (status == Status.CONNFAIL) {
GWT.log("Strophe failed to connect.");
} else if (status == Status.DISCONNECTING) {
GWT.log("Strophe is disconnecting.");
} else if (status == Status.DISCONNECTED) {
GWT.log("Strophe is disconnected.");
} else if (status == Status.CONNECTED) {
GWT.log("Strophe is connected.");
connection.addHandler(null, null, "message", null, null, handler);
Builder pres = Builder.$pres(null);
GWT.log("ECHOBOT: Send a message to " + connection.getJid() + " to talk to me.");
connection.connect("me@myserver.com", "password", callback);