I have button with a masked number phone :
I would like to reveal the number phone but that the toogle work only once (no return)
My stimulus-controller :
import {Controller} from 'stimulus'
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ['item', 'item2']
static classes = ['hidden']
connect() {
this.class = this.hasHiddenClass ? this.hiddenClass : 'hidden'
toggle() {
this.itemTargets.forEach(item => {
show() {
this.itemTargets.forEach(item => {
hide() {
this.item2Targets.forEach(item2 => {
I'm trying two methods :
With a toggle function :
<div data-controller="reveal" data-reveal-hidden-class="hidden">
<button data-action="reveal#toggle" type="button">
<p data-reveal-target="item" class="hidden mt-4">telephone </p>
<p data-reveal-target="item" class="mt-4"><a href="tel:+33500000000">500000000</a></p>
With show and hide functions :
<div data-controller="reveal" data-reveal-hidden-class="hidden">
<button data-action="reveal#show reveal#hide" type="button">
<p data-reveal-target="item" class="hidden mt-4">telephone </p>
<p data-reveal-target="item2" class="mt-4"><a href="tel:+33500000000">500000000</a></p>
The two methods works fine but I would like that the user can switch only once