我有一个看起来像这样的 Java 对象:
public class Partner {
private String partnerName;
private String partnerRef;
private Site sites;
我将此作为文档存储在 MongoDB 中。我正在尝试像这样检索它:
public List<Partner> getAllPartners(
MongoCollection<Partner> partnerCollection) {
List<Partner> partnerList = new ArrayList<>();
return partnerCollection.find().into(partnerList);
"message": "An exception occurred when decoding using the AutomaticPojoCodec.\nDecoding into a 'Partner' failed with the following exception:\n\nFailed to decode 'Partner'. Decoding 'sites' errored with: readStartDocument can only be called when CurrentBSONType is DOCUMENT, not when CurrentBSONType is ARRAY.\n\nA custom Codec or PojoCodec may need to be explicitly configured and registered to handle this type.",