我使用带有[Authorize]属性 from的 HotChocolate 获得了 GraphQL 突变,HotChocolate.AspNetCore.Authorization以在我的 GraphQL 端点上强制执行授权。



[ExtendObjectType(Name = "Mutation")]
[Authorize(Roles = new[] { "Administrators" })]
public class MyMutations
    public bool SomeMethod()
        // In a regular Web API controller, you can do User.Identity.Name to fetch the user name of the current user.  What is the equivalent in Hot Chocolate?
        var userName = "";

        return false;



1 回答 1


HotChocolate 使用 asp.net 核心身份验证机制,因此您可以使用 HttpContext 获取用户。

[ExtendObjectType(Name = "Mutation")]
[Authorize(Roles = new[] { "Administrators" })]
public class MyMutations
    public bool SomeMethod([Service] IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
        var user = contextAccessor.HttpContext.User; // <-> There is your user

        // In a regular Web API controller, you can do User.Identity.Name to fetch the user name of the current user.  What is the equivalent in Hot Chocolate?
        var userName = "";

        return false;
于 2021-02-11T19:56:31.360 回答