。这 - 我认为 - 根据 AWX / Tower 指南。
失败并显示典型的 Ansible 错误消息,不幸的是,这并不能帮助我理解出了什么问题。
PLAY [Update source tree if necessary] *****************************************
TASK [delete project directory before update] **********************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [update project using git] ************************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [Set the git repository version] ******************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Repository Version] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "Repository Version 812a488b0a09f7fda6a784a8247abaf6892e1f13"
PLAY [Install content with ansible-galaxy command if necessary] ****************
TASK [detect roles/requirements.(yml/yaml)] ************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'ext': '.yml'})
ok: [localhost] => (item={'ext': '.yaml'})
TASK [fetch galaxy roles from requirements.(yml/yaml)] *************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': True, 'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/roles/requirements.yml', 'mode': '0644', 'isdir': False, 'ischr': False, 'isblk': False, 'isreg': True, 'isfifo': False, 'islnk': False, 'issock': False, 'uid': 0, 'gid': 0, 'size': 390, 'inode': 131356, 'dev': 64771, 'nlink': 1, 'atime': 1613038457.4215767, 'mtime': 1613038456.678576, 'ctime': 1613038456.678576, 'wusr': True, 'rusr': True, 'xusr': False, 'wgrp': False, 'rgrp': True, 'xgrp': False, 'woth': False, 'roth': True, 'xoth': False, 'isuid': False, 'isgid': False, 'blocks': 8, 'block_size': 4096, 'device_type': 0, 'readable': True, 'writeable': True, 'executable': False, 'pw_name': 'root', 'gr_name': 'root', 'checksum': '29ae537db56b12b54f2eecb8668f4185b7b1e91d', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'charset': 'us-ascii', 'version': None, 'attributes': [], 'attr_flags': ''}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/roles/requirements.yml', 'follow': False, 'get_md5'…
skipping: [localhost] => (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': False}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/roles/requirements.yaml', 'follow': False, 'get_md5': False, 'get_checksum': True, 'get_mime': True, 'get_attributes': True, 'checksum_algorithm': 'sha1'}}, 'failed': False, 'item': {'ext': '.yaml'}, 'ansible_loop_var': 'item'})
TASK [detect collections/requirements.(yml/yaml)] ******************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'ext': '.yml'})
ok: [localhost] => (item={'ext': '.yaml'})
TASK [fetch galaxy collections from collections/requirements.(yml/yaml)] *******
failed: [localhost] (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': True, 'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/collections/requirements.yml', 'mode': '0644', 'isdir': False, 'ischr': False, 'isblk': False, 'isreg': True, 'isfifo': False, 'islnk': False, 'issock': False, 'uid': 0, 'gid': 0, 'size': 183, 'inode': 131286, 'dev': 64771, 'nlink': 1, 'atime': 1613038457.4195766, 'mtime': 1613038456.673576, 'ctime': 1613038456.673576, 'wusr': True, 'rusr': True, 'xusr': False, 'wgrp': False, 'rgrp': True, 'xgrp': False, 'woth': False, 'roth': True, 'xoth': False, 'isuid': False, 'isgid': False, 'blocks': 8, 'block_size': 4096, 'device_type': 0, 'readable': True, 'writeable': True, 'executable': False, 'pw_name': 'root', 'gr_name': 'root', 'checksum': '7b8e2a2b64c7d5e64917b548dc40347158f8bb1b', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'charset': 'us-ascii', 'version': None, 'attributes': [], 'attr_flags': ''}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/collections/requirements.yml', 'follow': False, '…
skipping: [localhost] => (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': False}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/var/lib/awx/projects/_6__c2/collections/requirements.yaml', 'follow': False, 'get_md5': False, 'get_checksum': True, 'get_mime': True, 'get_attributes': True, 'checksum_algorithm': 'sha1'}}, 'failed': False, 'item': {'ext': '.yaml'}, 'ansible_loop_var': 'item'})
当然,我在本地测试了需求。有用。只是不在 AWX 中。