我正在使用以下规范在软件 NuSMV 中进行考试项目:

一位著名的厨师在乌尔比诺开了一家寿司店。酒吧有一张圆桌,有 N 把椅子供客人就座。厨师将整个上菜时间都花在准备饭菜上,这些饭菜放在盘子里,放在桌子上第一个可用的地方。客户到达酒吧后,要么在餐桌旁就座,要么等待空位。

private sem empty = N; // [0..N]
private sem full = 0; // [0..N] 中的值
private sem ready = 0; // [0..N] 中的值
private sem mutex = 1; // {0,1}
private int[] bar 中的值;// N 个位置在构造函数中初始化为 0
private int front = 0;
私人 int 后方 = 0;

sem 类型是用于拒绝或给予访问的信号量。如果它是正的,可以使用 P(等待)递减,使用 V(信号)递增。信号量 empty、full 和 mutex 用于处理桌子的座位,而 ready 用于处理桌子本身。矢量条描述了桌子上盘子的位置(0 表示那里没有盘子)。变量front 和rear 描述了访问厨师和客户的点。布尔值 endservice 确定厨师是否可以完成餐桌服务。

到目前为止,我已经制作了 3 个模块来模拟厨师、客户端和表(其功能类似于共享对象在多线程中的功能)


MODULE cook (table)
        state       : {working, serving, served, idle, finished};
        endservice  : boolean;

        -- The state determines at what cycle the cook is in it's working phase with the options being:
        -- 1. Working:   The cook has no access to the mutex yet but it would like to deliver a plate to the table.
        -- 2. Serving:   The cook is currently placing a plate on the table. The cook has the mutex.
        -- 3. Served:    The cook has finished placing a plate on the table and the mutex can be released. 
        -- 4. idle:      There are no clients on the table that don't have a plate.
        -- 5. finished:  Serving has finished, only reachable by setting endservice to true, which puts the cook 
        --               immediately in the state finished from any other state. 
        -- A diagram of states would look like this:
        -- +-----------------------------------------------+
        -- |                                               |
        -- | -> [WORKING] ------------------> [SERVING]    |
        -- |     |   ^                            |        |
        -- |     |   |                            |        |
        -- |     |   |                            |        |
        -- |     |   +----------- [SERVED] <------+        |
        -- |     |   |               |            |        |
        -- |     |   |               |            |        |
        -- |     |   |               |            |        |
        -- |     |   +----- [IDLE] <--------------+        |
        -- |     |             |     |            |        |
        -- |     |             |     |            |        |
        -- |     |             V     V            |        |
        -- |     +----------> [FINISHED] <--------+        |
        -- |                                               |
        -- +-----------------------------------------------+

        init(state)      := working;
        next(state)      := case
                            (endservise = true)                                              : finished; -- finished service.
                            (table.semReady = N)    & (!endservice)                          : idle;     -- no plates to fill.
                            (table.semReady != N)   & (table.semMutex = 0) & (!endservice)   : working;  -- mutex request.
                            (table.semReady != N)   & (table.semMutex = 1) & (!endservice)   : serving;  -- inside critical section.
                            (state = serving)       & (!endservice)                          : served;   -- notify end critical section.
                            TRUE                                                             : state;

        -- The variable endservice is used to tedermine when the cook should exit his work cycle and finish execution. 
        -- Currently it is set to always continue working. In a future implementation the cook will stop working when all
        -- clients have finished eating. 
        init(endservice) := false;

        -- The variable endservice is used to tedermine when the cook should exit his work cycle and finish execution. 
        -- Currently it is set to always continue working. In a future implementation the cook will stop working when all
        -- clients have finished eating. 
        init(endservice) := false;


MODULE table (cook, client)
        -- We are emulating a table with 4 spaces to sit and eat sushi, therefore we need a an array to store if each of the 4
        -- spots to sit at have a plate in front of them or not. 
        bar: array 0..3 of boolean;

        semEmpty: 0..4;         -- The number of empty seats.
        semFull:  0..4;         -- The number of clients with a plate.
        semReady: 0..4;         -- The number of clients without a plate.
        semMutex: {0,1};        -- A mutex to ensure mutual exclution of the array bar.

        front:    0..3;         -- the first seat with no plate in the bar.
        rear:     0..3;         -- the first empty seat at the bar. 
        init(bar[0])     := 0;
        next(bar[0])     := case
                            (cook.state = serving)  & (front = 0)           : 1;       -- add plate to the table on spot 1
                            (client.state = eating) & (client.spot = 0)     : 0;       -- remove plate from the table on spot 1
                            TRUE                                            : bar[0];

        init(bar[1])     := 0;
        next(bar[1])     := case
                            (cook.state = serving)  & (front = 1)           : 1;       -- add plate to the table on spot 2
                            (client.state = eating) & (client.spot = 1)     : 0;       -- remove plate from the table on spot 2
                            TRUE                                            : bar[1];

        init(bar[2])     := 0;
        next(bar[2])     := case
                            (cook.state = serving)  & (front = 2)           : 1;       -- add plate to the table on spot 3
                            (client.state = eating) & (client.spot = 2)     : 0;       -- remove plate from the table on spot 3
                            TRUE                                            : bar[2];

        init(bar[3])     := 0;
        next(bar[3])     := case
                            (cook.state = serving)  & (front = 3)           : 1;       -- add plate to the table on spot 4
                            (client.state = eating) & (client.spot = 3)     : 0;       -- remove plate from the table on spot 4
                            TRUE                                            : bar[3];

        -- The semEmpty variable contains the number of empty seats at the sushi bar.
        init(semEmpty)   := N;
        next(semEmpty)   := case
                            (client.state = seated)    : semEmpty - 1;        -- A client has entered the sushi bar.
                            (client.state = left)      : semFull + 1;         -- A client has left the sushi bat.
                            TRUE                       : semEmpty;

        -- The semFull variable contains the number of clients with a plate at the table. 
        init(semFull)    := 0;
        next(semFull)    := case
                            (client.state = eating)    : semFull - 1;         -- A client has started eating.
                            (cook.state = served)      : semFull + 1;         -- The cook has finished serving a plate.
                            TRUE                       : semFull;

        -- The semReady variable is used to see how many clients are seated at the table but don't have a plate of food.
        init(semReady)   := 0;
        next(semReady)   := case
                            (client.state = seated)    : semReady + 1;        -- A client has entered the sushi bar.
                            (cook.state = serving)     : semReady - 1;        -- The cook has placed a plate on the table. 
                            TRUE                       : semMutex;

        -- The semMutex variable is used as a lock for mutual exclusion on the array variable: "bar". It switches state depending
        -- on whether either the cook or client are in a state where they require the mutex lock or are able to release said lock.
        init(semMutex)   := 0;
        next(semMutex)   := case
                            (cook.state = working)   & (semMutex = 0)       : 1;  -- the cook wants to modify "bar", obtain mutex.
                            (cook.state = served)    & (semMutex = 1)       : 0;  -- the cook has finished modifying "bar", release mutex.
                            (client.state = seated)  & (semMutex = 0)       : 1;  -- the client wants to modify "bar", obtain mutex.
                            (client.state = left)    & (semMutex = 1)       : 0;  -- the client has finished modifying "bar", release mutex.
                            TRUE                                            : semMutex;

        -- The front variable is used to determine where the first open spot is for a cook to place a plate on the table.
        init(front)      := 0;
        next(front)      := case
                            (bar[0] = 0)                                                : 0;
                            (bar[0] = 1) & (bar[1] = 0)                                 : 1;
                            (bar[0] = 1) & (bar[1] = 1) & (bar[2] = 0)                  : 2;
                            (bar[0] = 1) & (bar[1] = 1) & (bar[2] = 1) & (bar[3] = 0)   : 3;
                            TRUE                                                        : front;

        -- The rear variable is used to determine where the first empty seat is at the bar for a new client to sit.
        init(rear)       := 0;
        next(rear)       := case
                            (semEmpty = 0)                                              : 0;
                            (semEmpty = 1)                                              : 1;
                            (semEmpty = 2)                                              : 2;
                            (semEmpty = 3)                                              : 3;
                            TRUE                                                        : rear;


MODULE client (table, spot)
        state       : {new, seated, eating, left};

        -- The state determines at what cycle the client is in it's eating phase with the options being:
        -- 1. New:       The client has entered the sushi bar and is looking for a place to sit.
        -- 2. Seated:    The client has found a place to sit and is waiting for his food to arrive.
        -- 3. Eating:    The client has food and is able to eat said food.
        -- 4. left:      The client has finished his food and has left the sushi bar.
        -- A diagram of states would look like this:
        -- +-----------------------------------------------+
        -- |                                               |
        -- | -> [NEW] -----------------------> [SEATED]    |
        -- |                                      |        |
        -- |                                      |        |
        -- |                                      |        |
        -- |      +-------------------------------+        |
        -- |      |                                        |
        -- |      |                                        |
        -- |      V                                        |
        -- |    [EATING] ----------------------> [LEFT]    |
        -- |                                               |
        -- +-----------------------------------------------+
        init(state)      := new;
        next(state)      := case
                            (table.semEmpty != 4)                                            : seated;   -- There is an empty spot.
                            (table.bar[spot] = 1)                                            : eating;   -- The client is eating.
                            (state = eating)                                                 : left;     -- The client finished eating.
                            TRUE                                                             : state;


-- Main module(unfinished)
        t  : table(cook, client)
        c  : cook(table)
        cl : client(table)

我的一个朋友告诉我,即使你想要一个模块的多个实例,你也只需要每个模块中的 1 个就可以在主模块中将它们链接在一起。例如,假设我们想模拟 8 个客户在寿司吧吃饭,我们直到只需要 1 个客户变量,就像我在我的main模块中创建的那样。

但是,如果您查看我的客户端模块的实现,您会发现除了表格模块之外,我还传递了另一个参数:spot它存储了客户希望坐在的座位号。我的理性是,因为客户只有在有盘子的情况下才能吃饭,所以需要检查它所坐的座位前面是否有盘子。为此,它需要跟踪它所坐的座位。那就是我计划使用该spot变量的地方。现在您可能已经猜到了,但是我对这种编程(模型检查)并不是特别方便,而且我不知道这种实现是否正确,但我所知道的是我不知道我是怎么做的将 spot 变量传递给我要模拟的每个客户端。这是怎么做到的?我在正确的轨道上吗?


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