我有一个带有许多注释的地图视图。当用户点击注释时,它会将他们带到一个详细信息页面,其中包含有关艺术品的信息和一个“获取到此位置的路线”的按钮。所以这就是我要决定的。我刚刚使用的地图视图具有当前用户位置,这是我需要将 URL 中的起点发送到地图应用程序。最好将最近的 userLocation 坐标从地图视图传递到下一页,以便我可以在用户需要方向时使用它,或者我应该在下一页上启动一个新的 CLLocationManager 来获取用户的位置。另外,我尝试了后者,但无法从经理那里获得用户的位置。我所做的只是在界面中声明管理器:

CLLocationManager *manager;


@property (nonatomic, retain) CLLocationManager *manager;


@synthesize manager;

在 viewDidLoad 中执行此操作:

 [manager startUpdatingLocation];

然后在“导航”IBAction 方法中执行此操作:

-(IBAction)navigate; {
    CLLocationCoordinate2D start = manager.location.coordinate;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D end = {[selectedArtPiece.latitude doubleValue], [selectedArtPiece.longitude doubleValue]};
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[[NSURL alloc] initWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://maps.google.com/?saddr=%1.6f,%1.6f&daddr=%1.6f,%1.6f", start.latitude, start.longitude, end.latitude, end.longitude ]]];


“结束”最终为 0,0,所以我必须遗漏一些东西。


1. 我对 CLLocationManager 做错了什么。

2.假设我什至可以使用它,您会建议这样做以获取当前位置,还是应该从以前的地图视图发送稍微过时(可能)的用户位置以用于方向?仅仅为了获得方向坐标而启动 CLLocationManager 是否值得花费电池和时间?



1 回答 1


要使用CLLocationManager,您需要 alloc+init 它,设置它的委托,然后调用startUpdatingLocation,并在委托方法中读取当前位置(如果找到)locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation:

However, in your case, I wouldn't bother trying to get the current location again in real time. The time between the user tapping on the annotation and the detail page coming up won't be long to create a significant difference. Instead, I'd add a startingLocation property to the detail page and set it to the map view userLocation before presenting the detail page.

This way, the user doesn't have to (possibly) wait until a new, more accurate current location is found and it actually shows the directions from what the user saw as their current location before they tapped the annotation.

于 2011-07-07T16:36:41.000 回答