我有一个使用warp. 它实现了一个 RESTful CRUD API。我需要每个路由处理程序(即最终由 warp 过滤器调用的函数)来访问和(在大多数情况下)改变共享的应用程序状态。

我可以编译它的唯一方法是Arc<Mutex<State>> 为每条路线克隆一个:

    /* internal_state is loaded from a dump file earlier on and is of type `State` */

    let state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(internal_state));
    let index_book_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();
    let create_book_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();
    let read_book_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();

    let create_order_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();
    let read_order_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();
    let update_order_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();
    let destroy_order_state: Arc<Mutex<State>> = state.clone();

/* define CRUD routes for order books */
    let book_prefix = warp::path!("book");
    let index_book_route = book_prefix
        .and(warp::any().map(move || index_book_state.clone()))
    let create_book_route = book_prefix
        .and(warp::any().map(move || create_book_state.clone()))
    let read_book_route = warp::path!("book" / String)
        .and(warp::any().map(move || read_book_state.clone()))

    /* define CRUD routes for orders */
    let create_order_route = warp::path!("book" / String)
        .and(warp::any().map(move || create_order_state.clone()))
    let read_order_route = warp::path!("book" / String / "order" / String)
        .and(warp::any().map(move || read_order_state.clone()))
    let update_order_route = warp::path!("book" / String / "order" / String)
        .and(warp::any().map(move || update_order_state.clone()))
    let destroy_order_route = warp::path!("book" / String / "order" / String)
        .and(warp::any().map(move || destroy_order_state.clone()))

    /* aggregate all of our order book routes */
    let book_routes =

    /* aggregate all of our order routes */
    let order_routes = create_order_route

    /* aggregate all of our routes */
    let routes = book_routes.or(order_routes);
  1. 我怀疑这实际上是正确的行为(尽管编译和运行)。

  2. 对于一个相对简单的要求,这似乎非常难看。

  3. 最重要的是,在我的路由处理程序中,我需要调用async函数,因此需要将处理程序本身标记为async等。当我将处理程序标记为 时async,编译器会抱怨由于期货无法跨线程发送。



/* matches routes like POST `http://example.com/[market]/` */
pub async fn create_order_handler(market: String, request: CreateOrderRequest, state: Arc<Mutex<State>>, rpc_endpoint: String) -> Result<impl Reply, Rejection>

1 回答 1


您通过共享所有权(例如Arc)与线程安全的内部可变性(例如 、 或原子)配对MutexRwLock共享状态:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use warp::Filter;

async fn main() {
    let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

    let market = warp::path!("market" / String).map({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |market| {
            *state.lock().unwrap() += 1;
            format!("Market: {}", market)

    let plaza = warp::path!("plaza" / String).map({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |plaza| {
            let state = *state.lock().unwrap();
            format!("Plaza: {} ({})", plaza, state)

    let routes = market.or(plaza);

    warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;
% curl
Market: one

% curl
Plaza: one (1)


use std::{
    sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use warp::Filter;

async fn main() {
    let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

    let market = warp::path!("market" / String).and_then({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |market| {
            let state = state.clone();
            async move {
                *state.lock().unwrap() += 1;
                Ok::<_, Infallible>(format!("Market: {}", market))

    let plaza = warp::path!("plaza" / String).and_then({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |plaza| {
            let state = state.clone();
            async move {
                let state = *state.lock().unwrap();
                Ok::<_, Infallible>(format!("Plaza: {} ({})", plaza, state))

    let routes = market.or(plaza);

    warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;


use std::{
    sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use warp::Filter;

async fn main() {
    let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

    let market = warp::path!("market" / String).and_then({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |m| market(m, state.clone())

    let plaza = warp::path!("plaza" / String).and_then({
        let state = state.clone();
        move |p| plaza(p, state.clone())

    let routes = market.or(plaza);

    warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;

type State = Arc<Mutex<i32>>;

async fn market(market: String, state: State) -> Result<String, Infallible> {
    *state.lock().unwrap() += 1;
    Ok::<_, Infallible>(format!("Market: {}", market))

async fn plaza(plaza: String, state: State) -> Result<String, Infallible> {
    let state = *state.lock().unwrap();
    Ok::<_, Infallible>(format!("Plaza: {} ({})", plaza, state))

这里有第二组clones 因为有两个不同的东西拥有数据:

  1. 处理程序本身(闭包)
  2. 闭包返回的未来(异步代码)


warp = "0.3.0"
tokio = { version = "1.2.0", features = ["full"] }
于 2021-02-09T02:54:57.640 回答