我正在使用 Recoil,我想从实用程序函数中访问组件(get/set)之外的存储。

更一般地说,人们如何编写可重用的函数来操纵 Recoil 的全局状态?使用 Redux,我们可以直接向 store 发送事件,但我还没有找到 Recoil 的替代方案。

使用 hooks 是一种很好的开发人员体验,但是很难将组件内定义的函数转换为外部实用程序函数,因为 hooks 只能在组件内使用。


3 回答 3


我设法调整了https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil/issues/289#issuecomment-777249693答案并使其与 Next.js 框架一起使用。(参见下面的使用示例)

此解决方法允许使用 Recoil Root 作为一种全局状态。不过,它只有在只有一个 RecoilRoot组件时才能正常工作。

// RecoilExternalStatePortal.tsx
import {
} from 'recoil';

 * Returns a Recoil state value, from anywhere in the app.
 * Can be used outside of the React tree (outside a React component), such as in utility scripts, etc.

 * <RecoilExternalStatePortal> must have been previously loaded in the React tree, or it won't work.
 * Initialized as a dummy function "() => null", it's reference is updated to a proper Recoil state mutator when RecoilExternalStatePortal is loaded.
 * @example const lastCreatedUser = getRecoilExternalLoadable(lastCreatedUserState);
export let getRecoilExternalLoadable: <T>(
  recoilValue: RecoilValue<T>,
) => Loadable<T> = () => null as any;

 * Sets a Recoil state value, from anywhere in the app.
 * Can be used outside of the React tree (outside a React component), such as in utility scripts, etc.
 * <RecoilExternalStatePortal> must have been previously loaded in the React tree, or it won't work.
 * Initialized as a dummy function "() => null", it's reference is updated to a proper Recoil state mutator when RecoilExternalStatePortal is loaded.
 * @example setRecoilExternalState(lastCreatedUserState, newUser)
export let setRecoilExternalState: <T>(
  recoilState: RecoilState<T>,
  valOrUpdater: ((currVal: T) => T) | T,
) => void = () => null as any;

 * Utility component allowing to use the Recoil state outside of a React component.
 * It must be loaded in the _app file, inside the <RecoilRoot> component.
 * Once it's been loaded in the React tree, it allows using setRecoilExternalState and getRecoilExternalLoadable from anywhere in the app.
 * @see https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil/issues/289#issuecomment-777300212
 * @see https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil/issues/289#issuecomment-777305884
 * @see https://recoiljs.org/docs/api-reference/core/Loadable/
export function RecoilExternalStatePortal() {
  // We need to update the getRecoilExternalLoadable every time there's a new snapshot
  // Otherwise we will load old values from when the component was mounted
  useRecoilTransactionObserver_UNSTABLE(({ snapshot }) => {
    getRecoilExternalLoadable = snapshot.getLoadable;

  // We only need to assign setRecoilExternalState once because it's not temporally dependent like "get" is
  useRecoilCallback(({ set }) => {
    setRecoilExternalState = set;

    return async () => {


  return <></>;

使用 Next.js 框架的配置示例:

// pages/_app.tsx

import {
} from 'next';
import { Router } from 'next/router';
import React from 'react';
import { RecoilRoot } from 'recoil';
import { RecoilExternalStatePortal } from '../components/RecoilExternalStatePortal';

type Props = {
  Component: NextComponentType<NextPageContext>; // Page component, not provided if pageProps.statusCode is 3xx or 4xx
  err?: Error; // Only defined if there was an error
  pageProps: any; // Props forwarded to the Page component
  router?: Router; // Next.js router state

 * This file is the entry point for all pages, it initialize all pages.
 * It can be executed server side or browser side.
 * @see https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/custom-app Custom _app
 * @see https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/typescript#custom-app TypeScript for _app
const App: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = (props): JSX.Element => {
  const { Component, pageProps} = props;

  return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />
        <RecoilExternalStatePortal />
// Anywhere, e.g: src/utils/user.ts

const createUser = (newUser) => {
  setRecoilExternalState(lastCreatedUserState, newUser)
于 2021-02-12T16:36:17.857 回答

您可以使用 recoil-nexus,这是一个小程序包,其代码类似于 Vadorequest 的答案。


// Loading example
import { loadingState } from "../atoms/loadingState";
import { getRecoil, setRecoil } from "recoil-nexus";

export default function toggleLoading() {
  const loading = getRecoil(loadingState);
  setRecoil(loadingState, !loading);

于 2021-10-22T18:03:07.963 回答

一些没有任何 npm 包和复杂事物的小技巧,但我不确定这是不是这样做的好方法 :) 但它很好用。

在一些 HOC(高阶组件)中定义 ref 和imperativeHanle

  1. 在组件之外(在组件声明之上)
// typescript version
export const errorGlobalRef = createRef<{
  setErrorObject: (errorObject: ErrorTypes) => void;

// javascript version
export const errorGlobalRef = createRef();
  1. 内部组件
const [errorObject, setErrorObject] = useRecoilState(errorAtom);

//typescript version
useImperativeHandle(errorGlobalRef, () => {
  return {
    setErrorObject: (errorObject: ErrorTypes) => setErrorObject(errorObject),

//javascritp version
useImperativeHandle(errorGlobalRef, () => {
  return {
    setErrorObject: (errorObject) => setErrorObject(errorObject),


  (response) => {
    return response;
  async function (error) {
    const originalRequest = error.config;
    if (error?.response?.data) {
      const { data } = error.response;
      if (data) {
        // set recoil state
          error: data.error,
          message: typeof data.message === 'string' ? [data.message] : data.message,
          statusCode: data.statusCode,
    return Promise.reject(error);
于 2022-01-22T10:20:38.480 回答