I need to instantiate a free template function (FTF) within a template class (TC). The FTF takes as a template parameter one of the template parameters of the TC. The TC also holds generic pointers to these FTF's, and these functions are called through the pointers.
The step of taking a pointer to a FTF is not enough to instantiate it, and I receive linker errors from the GCC toolchain. MSDN illustrates FTF specification as so -- however my instantion of the FTF is dependant on a template parameter of my TC, and therefore the FTF instantiation cannot be placed in free scope.
Is this possible ? I am attaching some basic generated code, the issue is in the constructor of the class test_service
, where I assign the pointer of a free function into a custom container. I get a linker error telling me the free function cannot be found (uninstantiated). I know that specifying a call to the template function in the class somewhere will produce a instantiation, however I am only going to be making a call via a pointer.
#include "rpc_common.h"
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
namespace rubble { namespace rpc {
struct test_service_dummy_tag{};
template<typename T>
class test_service_skel
bool Init() {}
bool TearDown() {}
bool test_one(TestRequest,TestResponse){};
template<typename T_IMPL>
bool test_service_test_one(T_IMPL & impl,ClientRequest & request)
return 0;
template<typename T_IMPL=test_service_skel<test_service_dummy_tag> >
class test_service
// uncomment the following two lines and a instantiation will occur.
// ClientRequest cr;
m_dispatch_table.SetEntry( Oid("test_one",0),(void *) & test_service_test_one<T_IMPL>);
bool Init() { return m_impl.Init(); };
bool TearDown() { return m_impl.TearDown(); };
T_IMPL m_impl;
OidContainer<Oid,void *> m_dispatch_table;
} }
EDIT: self-contained minimal version
class test_skel
bool test_function()
return true;
template<typename T>
bool test_function()
template<typename T = test_skel>
class test
dispatch = (void *) & test_function<T>;
void * dispatch;
int main()
test<> t;
return 0;