我正在对一项服务执行单元测试,其中验证了请求 dto,并使用 Go 的Bcrypt 包对用户密码进行了哈希处理,然后再将其传递到存储库以插入数据库。


func Test_should_create_new_account(t *testing.T) {
    // Arrange
    teardown := setup(t)
    defer teardown()

    // ** Focus here **
    hashedpassword, err := AppCrypto.HashAndSalt([]byte("securepassword"))

    request := dto.RegisterRequest{
        Email:    "test@test.com",
        Password: "securepassword",
        RoleID:   1,

    account := realDomain.Account{
        Email:    request.Email,
        Password: hashedpassword,
        RoleID:   request.RoleID,

    accountWithID := account
    accountWithID.AccountID = 1

    mockRepo.EXPECT().Create(account).Return(&accountWithID, nil)
    // Act
    res, err := service.RegisterAccount(request)

    // Assert
    if err != nil {
        t.Error("Failed while creating account")
    if !res.Created {
        t.Error("Failed while creating account")


// HashAndSalt Hashes a given string
func HashAndSalt(pwd []byte) (string, *errs.AppError) {

    // Use GenerateFromPassword to hash & salt pwd.
    // MinCost is just an integer constant provided by the bcrypt
    // package along with DefaultCost & MaxCost.
    // The cost can be any value you want provided it isn't lower
    // than the MinCost (4)
    hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(pwd, bcrypt.MinCost)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errs.NewUnexpectedError("An unexpected error ocurred while hashing the password" + err.Error())
    } // GenerateFromPassword returns a byte slice so we need to
    // convert the bytes to a string and return it
    return string(hash), nil


func (d DefaultAccountService) RegisterAccount(request dto.RegisterRequest) (*dto.RegisterResponse, *errs.AppError) {
    err := request.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Hash the request's password
    hashedpassword, err := AppCrypto.HashAndSalt([]byte(request.Password))

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Assign the hashed password to the request obj
    request.Password = hashedpassword
    a := request.ToDomainObject()

    _, err = d.repo.Create(a)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    response := dto.RegisterResponse{
        Created: true,
    return &response, nil


accountService.go:34: Unexpected call to *domain.MockAccountRepository.Create([{0 test@test.com 1 $2a$04$.ORGMDZNk3.ySMpKwJYYcONdpAbgMJh79UDApzwRnzkCe.qeiECUG false}]) at /home/dio/Documents/Code/go-beex-backend/auth-server/mocks/domain/accountRepositoryDB.go:40 because: 
        expected call at /home/dio/Documents/Code/go-beex-backend/auth-server/service/accountService_test.go:52 doesn't match the argument at index 0.
        Got: {0 test@test.com 1 $2a$04$.ORGMDZNk3.ySMpKwJYYcONdpAbgMJh79UDApzwRnzkCe.qeiECUG false}
        Want: is equal to {0 test@test.com 1 $2a$04$Bah8tCOzf7Z9Suw55DfyHOvnsBbXLyJEWV8QZ.owCBUOxxomAuEM2 false}



1 回答 1


我设法模拟了我的加密包,然后在我的测试中模拟,解决方案相当冗长,但我希望它在未来对其他人有所帮助。我还在学习 Go,所以有些术语可能不正确(呵呵)


//go:generate mockgen -destination=../mocks/crypto/mockCrypto.go -package=crypto auth-server/crypto AppCrypto
type AppCrypto interface {
    HashAndSalt(pwd []byte) (string, *errs.AppError)
    ComparePasswords(hashedPwd string, plainPwd []byte) bool

type DefaultAppCrypto struct {

// HashAndSalt Hashes a given string
func (d DefaultAppCrypto) HashAndSalt(pwd []byte) (string, *errs.AppError) {

    hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(pwd, bcrypt.MinCost)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errs.NewUnexpectedError("An unexpected error ocurred while hashing the password" + err.Error())
    return string(hash), nil

func (d DefaultAppCrypto) ComparePasswords(hashedPwd string, plainPwd []byte) bool { 
    byteHash := []byte(hashedPwd)
    err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(byteHash, plainPwd)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    return true

我正在遵循您在此 Udemy 课程中学到的六边形架构强烈推荐),因此我正在创建一个用于注册新用户的帐户服务,该服务需要一个用于访问其结构中数据层的存储库,所以如果我们要注入然后我们就可以在测试中模拟它的实现。


type AccountService interface {
    RegisterAccount(dto.RegisterRequest) (*dto.RegisterResponse, *errs.AppError)

type DefaultAccountService struct {
    repo   domain.AccountRepository
    crypto crypto.AppCrypto

// More code here

func NewAccountService(repo domain.AccountRepository, crypto crypto.AppCrypto) DefaultAccountService {
    return DefaultAccountService{repo, crypto}


var mockRepo *domain.MockAccountRepository
var mockCrypto *crypto.MockAppCrypto
var ctrl gomock.Controller
var service AccountService

func setup(t *testing.T) func() {
    ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
    mockRepo = domain.NewMockAccountRepository(ctrl)
    mockCrypto = crypto.NewMockAppCrypto(ctrl)
    service = NewAccountService(mockRepo, mockCrypto)

    return func() {
        service = nil
        defer ctrl.Finish()

func Test_should_create_new_account(t *testing.T) {
    // Arrange
    teardown := setup(t)
    defer teardown()

    cryptoService := realCrypto.DefaultAppCrypto{}

    password := "securepassword"
    hashedpassword, err := cryptoService.HashAndSalt([]byte(password))

    request := dto.RegisterRequest{
        Email:    "test@test.com",
        Password: password,
        RoleID:   1,

    account := realDomain.Account{
        Email:    request.Email,
        Password: hashedpassword,
        RoleID:   request.RoleID,

    accountWithID := account
    accountWithID.AccountID = 1

    mockRepo.EXPECT().Create(account).Return(&accountWithID, nil)
    // ** MOCK THE CRYPTO PACKAGE's HashAndSalt
    mockCrypto.EXPECT().HashAndSalt([]byte(password)).Return(hashedpassword, nil)

    // Act
    res, err := service.RegisterAccount(request)

    // Assert

    if err != nil {
        t.Error("Failed while creating account")

    if !res.Created {
        t.Error("Failed while creating account")


最初我的加密包只有散列所需的功能,但我被迫将它们包含在 a 中struct,所以如果有更多经验的人知道以帐户服务将使用模拟实现的方式模拟散列函数的方法将是很好,因为代码会简单得多。

于 2021-02-08T00:58:00.807 回答