Stack - 带有 Typegoose 的 Type-graphql

问题 :

  1. BookRecommendation 类解析一本书(虚拟字段)
  2. Typegoose 返回正确的 book 填充值,该值通过 bookId foreign ref 解析
  3. 序列化的 type-graphql 响应不包括 book 对象,并且已经尝试了所有方法来解决这个问题。

序列化 book 对象的正确方法是什么?

export class BookRecommendation {
  readonly _id!: ObjectId;

  @prop() @Field(() => Date)
  createdAt!: Date;

  @prop() @Field(() => Date)
  updatedAt!: Date;

  @prop() @Field()
  sourceUrl!: string;

  @prop() @Field()
  recommendation!: string;

  @prop({ref: Book, }) @Field(type => ObjectIdScalar)
  bookId!: Ref<Book>;

  @prop({ref: Influencer}) @Field(type => ObjectIdScalar)
  influencerId!: Ref<Influencer>;

    ref: 'Book',
    foreignField: '_id', // compare this value to the local document populate is called on
    localField: 'bookId', // compare this to the foreign document's value defined in "foreignField",
    justOne: true,
  public book: Book;

export const MongooseBookReco = getModelForClass(BookRecommendation, {schemaOptions : {timestamps: true, toObject : { depopulate: false, versionKey: true,  virtuals: true, getters: true } }});

// Service Class
@Service() // Dependencies injection
export default class BookRecommendationService {
  constructor(private readonly bookRecoModel: BookRecommendationModel) {}

  public async getById(_id: ObjectId): Promise<BookRecommendation | null> {
    return MongooseBookReco.findById(_id).populate('book').exec();

  public async find(): Promise<BookRecommendation[]> {
    return MongooseBookReco.find().populate('book').exec();
  public async addBookRecommendation(data: NewBookRecommendationInput): Promise<BookRecommendation> {
    const newBookRecommendation = await this.bookRecoModel.create(data);
    return newBookRecommendation;

// Resolver class trying to resolve the 
 @Query((returns) => BookRecommendation, {name: "BookRecommendation"})
  async BookRecommendation(@Arg("id") id: ObjectId) {
    const reco = await this.recoService.getById(id);
    return reco;

// Console.log output of reco object above. It contains book
  _id: 601e3a416f05d67955cf5477,
  sourceUrl: 'https://twitter.com/joerogan/status/276827723358404608?s=20',
  recommendation: 'Mind blowing book',
  bookId: 601e2ebbdda47174163d718d,
  influencerId: 601a362796e4c3a3650bcaf6,
  __v: 0,
  book: {
    _id: 601e2ebbdda47174163d718d,
    title: 'Sex at dawn',
    amazonUrl: 'https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061707813?tag=mostrecommendedbooks-20&geniuslink=true',
    __v: 0
  id: '601e3a416f05d67955cf5477'

// Client graphl query the trigger above code
query {
  BookRecommendation(id: "601e3a416f05d67955cf5477") {

// Graph QL serialized output at client misses book object

  "data": {
    "BookRecommendation": {
      "recommendation": "Mind blowing book",
      "_id": "601e3a416f05d67955cf5477",
      "bookId": "601e2ebbdda47174163d718d",
      "influencerId": "601a362796e4c3a3650bcaf6"

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