我有一个看起来像这样的 JWT(我不得不隐藏一些值):



 "typ": "JWT",
 "alg": "RS256",
 "x5t": "8Q3reRBv6jj6FyxBo5phA1yKzYg",
 "kid": "8Q3reRBv6jj6FyxBo5phA1yKzYg"

 "aud": "xxx",
 "iss": "xxx",
 "iat": 0,
 "nbf": 0,
 "exp": 1611049528,
 "auth_time": 1611045928,
 "nonce": "xxx",
 "sub": "xxx",
 "upn": "xxx",
 "unique_name": "xxx",
 "pwd_url": "xxx",
 "pwd_exp": "xxx",
 "sid": "xxx"


    public boolean isValid(String extractedToken) {
        log.info("Validating JWT");

        // Generate an RSA key pair, which will be used for signing and verification of the JWT, wrapped in a JWK
        RsaJsonWebKey rsaJsonWebKey = RsaJwkGenerator.generateJwk(2048);

        // Give the JWK a Key ID (kid), which is just the polite thing to do

        // Use JwtConsumerBuilder to construct an appropriate JwtConsumer, which will
        // be used to validate and process the JWT.
        // The specific validation requirements for a JWT are context dependent, however,
        // it typically advisable to require a (reasonable) expiration time, a trusted issuer, and
        // and audience that identifies your system as the intended recipient.
        // If the JWT is encrypted too, you need only provide a decryption key or
        // decryption key resolver to the builder.
        JwtConsumer jwtConsumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder()
                .setRequireExpirationTime() // the JWT must have an expiration time
                .setAllowedClockSkewInSeconds(30) // allow some leeway in validating time based claims to account for clock skew
                .setVerificationKey(rsaJsonWebKey.getKey()) // verify the signature with the public key
                .setJwsAlgorithmConstraints( // only allow the expected signature algorithm(s) in the given context
                        AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType.PERMIT, AlgorithmIdentifiers.RSA_USING_SHA256) // which is only RS256 here
                .build(); // create the JwtConsumer instance

            //  Validate the JWT and process it to the Claims
            JwtClaims jwtClaims = jwtConsumer.processToClaims(extractedToken);
            System.out.println("JWT validation succeeded! " + jwtClaims);
            log.info("JTW validated");
            return true;
        catch (InvalidJwtException e)
            // InvalidJwtException will be thrown, if the JWT failed processing or validation in anyway.
            // Hopefully with meaningful explanations(s) about what went wrong.
            System.out.println("Invalid JWT! " + e);

            // Programmatic access to (some) specific reasons for JWT invalidity is also possible
            // should you want different error handling behavior for certain conditions.

            // Whether or not the JWT has expired being one common reason for invalidity
            if (e.hasExpired())
                System.out.println("JWT expired at " + e.getJwtContext().getJwtClaims().getExpirationTime());

            // Or maybe the audience was invalid
            if (e.hasErrorCode(ErrorCodes.AUDIENCE_INVALID))
                System.out.println("JWT had wrong audience: " + e.getJwtContext().getJwtClaims().getAudience());

        log.info("JTW validated");
        return false;



Invalid JWT! org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtSignatureException: JWT rejected due to invalid signature. Additional details: [[9] Invalid JWS Signature: JsonWebSignature{"typ":"JWT","alg":"RS256","x5t":"8Q3reRBv6jj6FyxBo5phA1yKzYg","kid":"8Q3reRBv6jj6FyxBo5phA1yKzYg"}->eyJ0eXAiOi.....]


所以我怀疑我没有正确设置 JWTConsumer,但我看不到错误在哪里。


public boolean isValid(String extractedToken) {
    log.info("Validating JWT");

    String pem = "MIIBIj........DAQAB";

    X509EncodedKeySpec pubKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(pem));
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);

    // Use JwtConsumerBuilder to construct an appropriate JwtConsumer, which will
    // be used to validate and process the JWT.
    // The specific validation requirements for a JWT are context dependent, however,
    // it typically advisable to require a (reasonable) expiration time, a trusted issuer, and
    // and audience that identifies your system as the intended recipient.
    // If the JWT is encrypted too, you need only provide a decryption key or
    // decryption key resolver to the builder.
    JwtConsumer jwtConsumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder()
            .setVerificationKey(publicKey) // verify the signature with the public key
            .setJwsAlgorithmConstraints( // only allow the expected signature algorithm(s) in the given context
                    AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType.PERMIT, AlgorithmIdentifiers.RSA_USING_SHA256) // which is only RS256 here
            .build(); // create the JwtConsumer instance

        //  Validate the JWT and process it to the Claims
        JwtClaims jwtClaims = jwtConsumer.processToClaims(extractedToken);
        System.out.println("JWT validation succeeded! " + jwtClaims);
        log.info("JTW validated");
        return true;
    catch (InvalidJwtException e)
        // InvalidJwtException will be thrown, if the JWT failed processing or validation in anyway.
        // Hopefully with meaningful explanations(s) about what went wrong.
        System.out.println("Invalid JWT! " + e);

        // Programmatic access to (some) specific reasons for JWT invalidity is also possible
        // should you want different error handling behavior for certain conditions.

        // Whether or not the JWT has expired being one common reason for invalidity
        if (e.hasExpired())
            System.out.println("JWT expired at " + e.getJwtContext().getJwtClaims().getExpirationTime());

        // Or maybe the audience was invalid
        if (e.hasErrorCode(ErrorCodes.AUDIENCE_INVALID))
            System.out.println("JWT had wrong audience: " + e.getJwtContext().getJwtClaims().getAudience());

log.info("JTW validated");
return false;



1 回答 1


提取的Token 签名来自与此处生成的不同的 RSA 对:

RsaJsonWebKey rsaJsonWebKey = RsaJwkGenerator.generateJwk(2048);


JwtConsumer jwtConsumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder()
            .setRequireExpirationTime() // the JWT must have an expiration time
            .setAllowedClockSkewInSeconds(30) // allow some leeway in validating time based claims to account for clock skew
            .setVerificationKey(rsaJsonWebKey.getKey()) // verify the signature with the public key
            .setJwsAlgorithmConstraints( // only allow the expected signature algorithm(s) in the given context
                    AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType.PERMIT, AlgorithmIdentifiers.RSA_USING_SHA256) // which is only RS256 here


JwtClaims jwtClaims = jwtConsumer.processToClaims(extractedToken);


为了验证 JWT 令牌的签名,您必须保留原始 RSA 对,然后将公钥放入 JWTConsumer 中,如下所示:

于 2021-02-03T13:28:28.490 回答