% parameters
N2 = 90;
N1 = 36;
Jn1 = 0.5;
Jn2 = 0.8;
J2 = 2;
D = 8;
K = 5;
J = (N2/N1)^2 * Jn1 + Jn2 + J2;
% define the system
sys = ss([0 1; -K/J -D/J], [0; N2/(N1*J)], [1 0], 0);
% initial state: (position, velocity) [rad; rad/s]
x0 = [0; 0];
% define the time span
t = linspace(0, 15, 10000)';
% define the input step
T1 = zeros(length(t), 1);
T1(t>=0) = 1;
% compute the system step response at once
theta1 = lsim(sys, T1, t, x0);
% compute the system response as aggregate of the forced and unforced
% temporal evolutions
theta2 = lsim(sys, T1, t, [0; 0]) + initial(sys, x0, t);
% plot results
figure('color', 'white');
hold on;
yyaxis left;
plot(t, T1, '-.', 'linewidth', 2);
yyaxis right;
plot(t, theta1, 'linewidth', 3);
plot(t, theta2, 'k--');
xlabel('t [s]');
grid minor;
legend({'$T_1$', '$\theta_1$', '$\theta_2$'}, 'Interpreter', 'latex',...
'location', 'southeast');
hold off;
这应该可以生成一个图表,该图表显示了 Heaviside/step 输入的位置、我的输出。我的问题是,我将如何为正弦波输入执行此操作。我想我应该有sin(w*t)
,其中 w 是我的脉冲频率。不过,我似乎无法完成这项工作。任何帮助将非常感激!:)