我在谷歌云平台上有多个项目和 api,如地图 api、php 应用引擎、sql 等。
Google 改变了计费的管理方式,现在确实有可能以任何原因(错误、黑客等)导致计费飙升
我怎样才能使达到限制时禁用每个计费?不仅仅是电子邮件通知,这还不够!我不能只是关闭我的应用引擎实例,因为地图和其他地方的 api 凭据仍然可以产生费用!
我在谷歌云平台上有多个项目和 api,如地图 api、php 应用引擎、sql 等。
Google 改变了计费的管理方式,现在确实有可能以任何原因(错误、黑客等)导致计费飙升
我怎样才能使达到限制时禁用每个计费?不仅仅是电子邮件通知,这还不够!我不能只是关闭我的应用引擎实例,因为地图和其他地方的 api 凭据仍然可以产生费用!
第一个是设置基于 wuota 或限制每个用户的调用的API 支出限制,因此,如果您的服务对特定 API 进行过多的调用,您只需阻止该 API,以便您的整个服务/项目可以保持服务。
为此,您将部署一个云功能,类似于文档中由您的预算设置使用的 Pub/Sub 主题触发的云功能:
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
const PROJECT_NAME = `projects/${PROJECT_ID}`;
const billing = google.cloudbilling('v1').projects;
exports.stopBilling = async pubsubEvent => {
const pubsubData = JSON.parse(
Buffer.from(pubsubEvent.data, 'base64').toString()
if (pubsubData.costAmount <= pubsubData.budgetAmount) {
return `No action necessary. (Current cost: ${pubsubData.costAmount})`;
if (!PROJECT_ID) {
return 'No project specified';
const billingEnabled = await _isBillingEnabled(PROJECT_NAME);
if (billingEnabled) {
return _disableBillingForProject(PROJECT_NAME);
} else {
return 'Billing already disabled';
* @return {Promise} Credentials set globally
const _setAuthCredential = () => {
const client = new GoogleAuth({
scopes: [
// Set credential globally for all requests
auth: client,
* Determine whether billing is enabled for a project
* @param {string} projectName Name of project to check if billing is enabled
* @return {bool} Whether project has billing enabled or not
const _isBillingEnabled = async projectName => {
try {
const res = await billing.getBillingInfo({name: projectName});
return res.data.billingEnabled;
} catch (e) {
'Unable to determine if billing is enabled on specified project, assuming billing is enabled'
return true;
* Disable billing for a project by removing its billing account
* @param {string} projectName Name of project disable billing on
* @return {string} Text containing response from disabling billing
const _disableBillingForProject = async projectName => {
const res = await billing.updateBillingInfo({
name: projectName,
resource: {billingAccountName: ''}, // Disable billing
return `Billing disabled: ${JSON.stringify(res.data)}`;
"name": "cloud-functions-billing",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"google-auth-library": "^2.0.0",
"googleapis": "^52.0.0"
然后您授予此 Cloud Function 的服务帐户的Billing Admin权限