这是使用 RSelenium 和 rvest 的编程方法:
driver <- rsDriver(browser="chrome", port=4234L, chromever ="87.0.4280.87")
client <- driver[["client"]]
page.source <- client$getPageSource()[[1]]
#Extract nodes for each letter using XPath
Letters <- read_html(page.source) %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="mem-wall"]/div[2]/div')
#Extract Entities using CSS
Entities <- map(Letters, ~ html_nodes(.x, css = 'div.g-entity-name') %>%
#Extract quotes using CSS
Quotes <- map(Letters, ~ html_nodes(.x, css = 'div.g-twitter-quote-container') %>%
map(html_nodes, css = 'div.g-twitter-quote-c') %>%
#Bind the entites and quotes together. There are two letters that are blank, so fall back to NA
map2_dfr(Entities, Quotes,
~ map2_dfr(.x, .y,~ {if(length(.x) > 0 & length(.y)){data.frame(Entity = .x, Insult = .y)}else{
data.frame(Entity = NA, Insult = NA)}})) -> Result
#Strip out the quotes
Result %>%
mutate(Insult = str_replace_all(Insult,"(^“)|([ .,!?]?”)","") %>% str_trim) -> Result
#Take a look at the result
Result %>%
Entity Insult
1 Mitt Romney failed presidential candidate
2 Hillary Clinton Crooked
3 The “mainstream” media Fake News
4 Democrats on a fishing expedition
5 Pete Ricketts illegal late night coup
6 The “mainstream” media anti-Trump haters
7 The Washington Post do nothing but write bad stories even on very positive achievements
8 Democrats weak
9 Marco Rubio Lightweight
10 The Steele Dossier a Fake Dossier
xpath 是通过检查网页源(F9在 Chrome 中)获得的,将鼠标悬停在元素上直到突出显示正确的元素,右键单击并选择复制 XPath,如下所示: