We've created some auto-renewable subscriptions in iTunes. Typically there is dialog screen "Share your information" coming right after the actually purchase. In this screen the name of the developer/company is mentioned. See image of a similar case:

Share information dialog

We'd like to be able to change this name (in the example: "the publisher of HD AD"), as it mentions our name (as owner of the itunes developer account) instead of the name of our customer for whom we're creating this app.

Does anyone know how we can change this name ? Which field in iTunes is taken for this ?

Thanks a lot for your help.



2 回答 2


您实际上可以更改此值。在 iTunes Connect 下,导航到您的应用内购买,然后单击语言、显示名称等下的详细信息。

您需要添加或更新的值是“出版物名称” - 此处的任何内容都将出现在“共享您的信息?” 弹出。

于 2011-09-01T09:06:03.457 回答


于 2011-07-06T12:43:42.847 回答