In my opinion, ListPicker list items are unacceptably small tap targets; certainly their height is smaller than the minimum size recommended by the style guide Microsoft published, and fact that Microsoft has taken to presenting the list full-screen in a much larger font suggests that I am not alone in holding this opinion.

I would like to use this full-screen big-font presentation in my own UI designs. I have tried specifying a DataTemplate (as a static resource) but it didn't seem to have any effect, although I'm pretty sure it is processed because when I made a typo in the resource name the compiler complained.


2 回答 2



如果您不喜欢 ListPicker 的默认样式,请重新模板。

您可以使用该ItemCountThreshold属性来控制是否始终使用 FullMode(将其设置为 0)。


于 2011-07-06T10:36:04.643 回答

我对项目使用 ListPickerItem 对象。这一直有效,直到有足够的项目来触发完整模式,然后它才会停止。

如果我导入 System 命名空间并使用 String 对象,那么一切都是笨拙的。提供 DataTemplate 并绑定到某些东西也可以。

我想我找到了一个真正的错误,但有一个简单的解决方法:不要使用 ListPickerItem。

于 2011-07-28T13:11:12.410 回答