您好 :) 我知道有一些关于我要解释的问题的主题。我试图在 Stackoverflow 和其他网站上理解类似的问题,但我没有成功,所以如果有人能帮助我,我会非常感激。
我想通过 ESP8266 将一些值从 Arduino 通过 GET 请求发送到我的网站。在IP之后手动写GET请求,网站正常,所以我丢弃了我的php文件的问题(你可以检查底部的图片)。
但是,通过 Arduino 和 ESP8266,我可以建立 TCP 连接,但我的 HTTP 请求没有发送。
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial ESP_Serial(2,3) ; //SoftwareSerial(receivePin, transmitPin). RX ESP8266 = pin3 Arduino (TX), TX ESP8266 = pin2Arduino (RX)
String ssid = "aaa"; //Wifi network
String password = "xxx"; //Wifi password
String server = ""; //IP of the server
String uri = "/IoT/index.php"; // URI is a string that provides a unique address (either on the Internet or on another private network
String data;
const int max_size_response = 500; //maximum size of the response of the web server
const int timeout_response = 10000; //timeout for HTTP response
int T = 24;
int H = 56;
int C = 240;
int P = 506;
int S = 47;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //baudrate Serial Arduino
ESP_Serial.begin(9600); //baudrate ESP8266
resetESP(); //function to reset the ESP8266
//checking ESP8266 response. SoftwareSerial inheritates from Stream class, that is why I can use setTimeout and find()
wifiConnection(); //function to connect ESP8266 to our Wifi
void loop() {
//replace it by a function for the main file
String request;
//Connect to the web server
ESP_Serial.println("AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"" + server + "\",80");//connect to the server, with a specific IP, establishing TCP connection (port 80)
if (ESP_Serial.find("OK") ) {
Serial.println("TCP ready");
//preparing the HTTP request
data ="?T="+String(T)+"&H="+String(H)+"&C="+String(C)+"&P="+String(P)+"&S="+String(S);
request = "GET "+uri+data+" HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request += "Host: "+server+"\r\n\r\n";//+"Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
//GET /IoT/index.php?T=23&H=43&C=300&P=200&S=25 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n;
//sending the HTTP request (before sending, it is required to specify the size in chars). When we get ">", we can send
int length_req = request.length()-6;
ESP_Serial.println(String(length_req)); //83char-6 (as \r or \n is 1 char, not 2) = 77
if (ESP_Serial.find(">")) { //ready to send
Serial.println("Sending HTTP request"); //delete when it works
if (ESP_Serial.find("SEND OK")) { //when we get this, the request has been sent
//We have to wait for the response. If timeout or size exceeded,close(bad).If no timeout or size and received CLOSED, ok
Serial.println("HTTP request sent");
long start_response_check = millis();
String response = ""; //HTTP response
while ((ESP_Serial.available()>0) && ((millis()-start_response_check) < timeout_response) && (response.length() < max_size_response)) {
char ESP_Serial_ch = ESP_Serial.read();
response.concat(ESP_Serial_ch); //appends the parameter to the string
if ((millis()-start_response_check) >= timeout_response){
Serial.println("timeout exceeded");
if (response.length() < max_size_response){
Serial.println("size of the response exceeded");
if (response.indexOf("CLOSED") > 0) { //indexOf is used to find a determined string within a string
Serial.println("response received"); //delete it if code is big
else {
Serial.println("Request not sent");
Serial.println("Not ready to send the HTTP request");
void resetESP() {
if (ESP_Serial.find("OK")){
Serial.println("Module has been reset");
void wifiConnection() {
bool connected = false;
while (connected==false){
if (ESP_Serial.find("OK")) {
Serial.println("ESP responding"); //delete if size exceeding
//ESP_Serial.println("AT+RST"); //reset the module
ESP_Serial.println("AT+CWMODE=1"); //Setting ESP8266 to Station mode (for only Wifi client)
ESP_Serial.println("AT+CWJAP=\"" +ssid+"\",\"" + password + "\"");// \" means ",I want to introduce a string within a string. CWJAP(Wifi name,password) is for connecting to a Wifi net
if (ESP_Serial.find("OK")) {
Serial.println("Connected to the Wifi network"); //delete if size exceeding
else {
Serial.println("NOT CONNECTED!!!"); //Add an attempt if the code is not big
//Disable multiconnections (enable=1 is for using ESP as server)
ESP_Serial.println("AT+CIPMUX=0"); //we could add another OK if statement if code is not exceeded
connected = true;
else {
Serial.println("ESP NOT responding!!!"); //Add an attempt if the code is not big
在 SerialMonitor 中,我得到了这个: