我正在尝试在我的 React 通用应用程序中添加用于代码拆分的可加载组件库。我的项目中有 CSS 模块,它曾经运行良好。但是后来我添加了可加载的组件库来进行代码拆分。现在服务器正在工作,但 CSS 没有,页面加载时没有 CSS。我检查了stats.json文件,它缺少 CSS 文件。


'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const resolve = require('resolve');
const PnpWebpackPlugin = require('pnp-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const CaseSensitivePathsPlugin = require('case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin');
const InlineChunkHtmlPlugin = require('react-dev-utils/InlineChunkHtmlPlugin');
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin');
const safePostCssParser = require('postcss-safe-parser');
const ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin');
const InterpolateHtmlPlugin = require('react-dev-utils/InterpolateHtmlPlugin');
const WorkboxWebpackPlugin = require('workbox-webpack-plugin');
const WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin = require('react-dev-utils/WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin');
const ModuleScopePlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ModuleScopePlugin');
const getCSSModuleLocalIdent = require('react-dev-utils/getCSSModuleLocalIdent');
// const ESLintPlugin = require('eslint-webpack-plugin');
const paths = require('./paths');
const modules = require('./modules');
const getClientEnvironment = require('./env');
const ModuleNotFoundPlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ModuleNotFoundPlugin');
const ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin');
const typescriptFormatter = require('react-dev-utils/typescriptFormatter');
const ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin = require('@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin');
const LoadablePlugin = require('@loadable/webpack-plugin')

const postcssNormalize = require('postcss-normalize');

const appPackageJson = require(paths.appPackageJson);

const shouldUseSourceMap = process.env.GENERATE_SOURCEMAP !== 'false';

const webpackDevClientEntry = require.resolve(
const reactRefreshOverlayEntry = require.resolve(

const shouldInlineRuntimeChunk = process.env.INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK !== 'false';

const imageInlineSizeLimit = parseInt(
  process.env.IMAGE_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT || '10000'

const useTypeScript = fs.existsSync(paths.appTsConfig);

const swSrc = paths.swSrc;

const cssRegex = /\.css$/;
const cssModuleRegex = /\.css$/;
const sassRegex = /\.(scss|sass)$/;
const sassModuleRegex = /\.module\.(scss|sass)$/;

const hasJsxRuntime = (() => {
  if (process.env.DISABLE_NEW_JSX_TRANSFORM === 'true') {
    return false;

  try {
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

module.exports = function (webpackEnv) {
  const isEnvDevelopment = webpackEnv === 'development';
  const isEnvProduction = webpackEnv === 'production';

  const isEnvProductionProfile =
    isEnvProduction && process.argv.includes('--profile');

  const env = getClientEnvironment(paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1));

  const shouldUseReactRefresh = env.raw.FAST_REFRESH;

  const getStyleLoaders = (cssOptions, preProcessor) => {
    const loaders = [
      isEnvDevelopment && require.resolve('style-loader'),
      isEnvProduction && {
        loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
       index.html folder
        // in production `paths.publicUrlOrPath` can be a relative path
        options: paths.publicUrlOrPath.startsWith('.')
          ? { publicPath: '../../' }
          : {},
        loader: require.resolve('css-loader'),
        options: cssOptions,
        loader: require.resolve('postcss-loader'),
        options: {
          ident: 'postcss',
          plugins: () => [
              autoprefixer: {
                flexbox: 'no-2009',
              stage: 3,
          sourceMap: isEnvProduction ? shouldUseSourceMap : isEnvDevelopment,
    if (preProcessor) {
          loader: require.resolve('resolve-url-loader'),
          options: {
            sourceMap: isEnvProduction ? shouldUseSourceMap : isEnvDevelopment,
            root: paths.appSrc,
          loader: require.resolve(preProcessor),
          options: {
            sourceMap: true,
    return loaders;

  return {
    mode: isEnvProduction ? 'production' : isEnvDevelopment && 'development',
    // Stop compilation early in production
    bail: isEnvProduction,
    devtool: isEnvProduction
      ? shouldUseSourceMap
        ? 'source-map'
        : false
      : isEnvDevelopment && 'cheap-module-source-map',

      isEnvDevelopment && !shouldUseReactRefresh
        ? [

        : paths.appIndexJs,
    output: {
      path: isEnvProduction ? paths.appBuild : undefined,
      pathinfo: isEnvDevelopment,
      filename: isEnvProduction
        ? 'static/js/[name].[contenthash:8].js'
        : isEnvDevelopment && 'static/js/bundle.js',
      futureEmitAssets: true,
      chunkFilename: isEnvProduction
        ? 'static/js/[name].[contenthash:8].chunk.js'
        : isEnvDevelopment && 'static/js/[name].chunk.js',
      // We inferred the "public path" (such as / or /my-project) from homepage.
      publicPath: paths.publicUrlOrPath,
      devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: isEnvProduction
        ? info =>
              .relative(paths.appSrc, info.absoluteResourcePath)
              .replace(/\\/g, '/')
        : isEnvDevelopment &&
          (info => path.resolve(info.absoluteResourcePath).replace(/\\/g, '/')),
      globalObject: 'this',
    optimization: {
      minimize: isEnvProduction,
      minimizer: [
        new TerserPlugin({
          terserOptions: {
            parse: {
              ecma: 8,
            compress: {
              ecma: 5,
              warnings: false,
              inline: 2,
            mangle: {
              safari10: true,
            // Added for profiling in devtools
            keep_classnames: isEnvProductionProfile,
            keep_fnames: isEnvProductionProfile,
            output: {
              ecma: 5,
              comments: false,
              ascii_only: true,
          sourceMap: shouldUseSourceMap,
        new OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin({
          cssProcessorOptions: {
            parser: safePostCssParser,
            map: shouldUseSourceMap
              ? {
                  inline: false,
                  annotation: true,
              : false,
          cssProcessorPluginOptions: {
            preset: ['default', { minifyFontValues: { removeQuotes: false } }],
      splitChunks: {
        chunks: 'all',
        name: false,

      runtimeChunk: {
        name: entrypoint => `runtime-${entrypoint.name}`,
    resolve: {
      modules: ['node_modules', paths.appNodeModules].concat(
        modules.additionalModulePaths || []
      extensions: paths.moduleFileExtensions
        .map(ext => `.${ext}`)
        .filter(ext => useTypeScript || !ext.includes('ts')),
      alias: {
        'react-native': 'react-native-web',
        ...(isEnvProductionProfile && {
          'react-dom$': 'react-dom/profiling',
          'scheduler/tracing': 'scheduler/tracing-profiling',
        ...(modules.webpackAliases || {}),
      plugins: [
        new ModuleScopePlugin(paths.appSrc, [
    resolveLoader: {
      plugins: [
    module: {
      strictExportPresence: true,
      rules: [
        { parser: { requireEnsure: false } },
          oneOf: [
              test: [/\.avif$/],
              loader: require.resolve('url-loader'),
              options: {
                limit: imageInlineSizeLimit,
                mimetype: 'image/avif',
                name: 'static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]',
              test: [/\.bmp$/, /\.gif$/, /\.jpe?g$/, /\.png$/],
              loader: require.resolve('url-loader'),
              options: {
                limit: imageInlineSizeLimit,
                name: 'static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]',

              test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
              include: paths.appSrc,
              loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
              options: {
                customize: require.resolve(
                presets: [
                      runtime: hasJsxRuntime ? 'automatic' : 'classic',
                plugins: [
                      loaderMap: {
                        svg: {
                  isEnvDevelopment &&
                    shouldUseReactRefresh &&
                cacheCompression: false,
                compact: isEnvProduction,
              test: /\.(js|mjs)$/,
              exclude: /@babel(?:\/|\\{1,2})runtime/,
              loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
              options: {
                babelrc: false,
                configFile: false,
                compact: false,
                presets: [
                    { helpers: true },
                cacheDirectory: true,
                sourceMaps: shouldUseSourceMap,
                inputSourceMap: shouldUseSourceMap,
              test: cssRegex,
              exclude: cssModuleRegex,
              use: getStyleLoaders({
                importLoaders: 1,
                sourceMap: isEnvProduction
                  ? shouldUseSourceMap
                  : isEnvDevelopment,
              sideEffects: true,
              test: cssModuleRegex,
              use: getStyleLoaders({
                importLoaders: 1,
                sourceMap: isEnvProduction
                  ? shouldUseSourceMap
                  : isEnvDevelopment,
                modules: {
                  getLocalIdent: getCSSModuleLocalIdent,
              loader: require.resolve('file-loader'),
              exclude: [/\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/, /\.html$/, /\.json$/],
              options: {
                name: 'static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]',
    plugins: [
      new LoadablePlugin({filename:'../dist/loadable-stats.json',writeToDisk:true}),
      // Generates an `index.html` file with the <script> injected.

      new LoadablePlugin(),
      new HtmlWebpackPlugin(
            inject: true,
            template: paths.appHtml,
            ? {
                minify: {
                  removeComments: true,
                  collapseWhitespace: true,
                  removeRedundantAttributes: true,
                  useShortDoctype: true,
                  removeEmptyAttributes: true,
                  removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
                  keepClosingSlash: true,
                  minifyJS: true,
                  minifyCSS: true,
                  minifyURLs: true,
            : undefined
      isEnvDevelopment &&
        shouldUseReactRefresh &&
        new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin({
          overlay: {
            entry: webpackDevClientEntry,
            sockIntegration: false,
      isEnvDevelopment && new CaseSensitivePathsPlugin(),
      isEnvDevelopment &&
        new WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin(paths.appNodeModules),
      isEnvProduction &&
        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
          filename: 'static/css/[name].[contenthash:8].css',
          chunkFilename: 'static/css/[name].[contenthash:8].chunk.css',
      new ManifestPlugin({
        fileName: 'asset-manifest.json',
        publicPath: paths.publicUrlOrPath,
        generate: (seed, files, entrypoints) => {
          const manifestFiles = files.reduce((manifest, file) => {
            manifest[file.name] = file.path;
            return manifest;
          }, seed);
          const entrypointFiles = entrypoints.main.filter(
            fileName => !fileName.endsWith('.map')

          return {
            files: manifestFiles,
            entrypoints: entrypointFiles,
      new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/),
      isEnvProduction &&
        fs.existsSync(swSrc) &&
        new WorkboxWebpackPlugin.InjectManifest({
          dontCacheBustURLsMatching: /\.[0-9a-f]{8}\./,
          exclude: [/\.map$/, /asset-manifest\.json$/, /LICENSE/],
          maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 5 * 1024 * 1024,
      // TypeScript type checking
      useTypeScript &&
        new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
          typescript: resolve.sync('typescript', {
            basedir: paths.appNodeModules,
          async: isEnvDevelopment,
          checkSyntacticErrors: true,
          resolveModuleNameModule: process.versions.pnp
            ? `${__dirname}/pnpTs.js`
            : undefined,
          resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveModule: process.versions.pnp
            ? `${__dirname}/pnpTs.js`
            : undefined,
          tsconfig: paths.appTsConfig,
          reportFiles: [
          silent: true,
          formatter: isEnvProduction ? typescriptFormatter : undefined,
    node: {
      module: 'empty',
      dgram: 'empty',
      dns: 'mock',
      fs: 'empty',
      http2: 'empty',
      net: 'empty',
      tls: 'empty',
      child_process: 'empty',
    performance: false,


// import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { createReactAppExpress } from '@cra-express/core';
import { getInitialData } from '@cra-express/router-prefetcher';
import { HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';

// import Cookies from 'cookies';
import { getStoredState, persistCombineReducers } from 'redux-persist';
// import { CookieStorage, NodeCookiesWrapper } from 'redux-persist-cookie-storage';
import autoMergeLevel1 from 'redux-persist/lib/stateReconciler/autoMergeLevel1';
import storage from "redux-persist/lib/storage";
// import StyleContext from 'isomorphic-style-loader/StyleContext'
import routes from '../src/routes';
import {store} from '../src/index'
import {ChunkExtractor,ChunkExtractorManager} from '@loadable/server'
const path = require('path');
const React = require('react');
const { Provider } = require('react-redux');
const { StaticRouter } = require('react-router-dom');
const { createStore, applyMiddleware ,compose} = require('redux');

const { default: App } = require('../src/App');
const { default: reducer } = require('../src/redux/reducers');
const clientBuildPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../client');
const statsFile=path.resolve(__dirname,'../dist/loadable-stats.json')
let tag = '';
//let store;
let AppClass = App;
let serverData;
let helmetCtx;
// console.log("REDUCERS",reducer)
const app = createReactAppExpress({
  universalRender: handleUniversalRender,
  onFinish(req, res, html) {
    const { helmet } = helmetCtx;
    const helmetTitle = helmet.title.toString();
    const helmetMeta = helmet.meta.toString();
    const newHtml = html
      .replace('{{HELMET_TITLE}}', helmetTitle)
      .replace('{{HELMET_META}}', helmetMeta);
  onEndReplace(html) {
    const state = store.getState();
  //console.log("----SERVER getState----", store.getState());

    return html.replace(
      window.__PRELOADED_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(state).replace(
      window.__INITIAL_DATA__ = ${JSON.stringify(serverData).replace(

function handleUniversalRender(req, res) {
  const context = {};
  helmetCtx = {};

  // const cookieJar = new NodeCookiesWrapper(new Cookies(req, res));

  const persistConfig = {
    key: 'root',
    storage: storage,
    // storage: new CookieStorage(cookieJar),
    stateReconciler: autoMergeLevel1,

  let preloadedState;

    .then(preloadedState => {
      //console.log("SERVER Preloded State", preloadedState);

  try {
      preloadedState = {
        test: 'presisited Data'
  } catch (e) {
      preloadedState = {};

  const rootReducer = persistCombineReducers(persistConfig, reducer);

 /* store = createStore(

  return getInitialData(req, res,routes)
    .then(data => {

      const css = new Set();
      const insertCss = (...styles) => styles.forEach(style => css.add(style._getCss()));

      const extractor=new ChunkExtractor({statsFile})
      const scriptTags = extractor.getScriptTags()
      serverData = data;
      // console.log("CSS FILES", scriptTags);
      const app = (
        <HelmetProvider context={helmetCtx}>
          <StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
            <Provider store={store}>
            {/* <StyleContext.Provider value={{ insertCss }}> */}
            <ChunkExtractorManager extractor={extractor}>
              <AppClass routes={routes} initialData={data} store={store}/>
            {/* </StyleContext.Provider> */}
      return app;
    .catch(err => {

if (module.hot) {
  module.hot.accept('../src/App', () => {
    const { default: App } = require('../src/App');
    AppClass = App;
    console.log('✅ Server hot reloaded App');
  module.hot.accept('../src/routes', () => {
    console.log('✅ Server hot reloaded routes');

export default app;

css modules works fine with client side and worked fine without code splitting in server side but not working with loadable components. i am using cra-universal library for server side rendering.
can someone please help me with this issue and it will be greatly appreciated.


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