我知道能够在 Windows 7+ 中捕获内核调试数据的方法是在注册表中添加 Debug Print Filter 注册表项,但这需要重新启动。

有没有什么方法可以让我捕获内核调试消息而无需在 Windows 7、10、.. 中重新启动计算机?


2 回答 2


尝试启用以下 4 个选项:


于 2021-01-27T14:12:15.143 回答

C:>echo 没有注册表项

no registrykey

C:>reg 查询 "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Session manager\Debug"

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

C:>reg 查询 "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Session manager" | grep -i 德

    HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold    REG_DWORD    0x0
    HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold    REG_DWORD    0x0
    ExcludeFromKnownDlls    REG_MULTI_SZ
    ProtectionMode    REG_DWORD    0x1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentControlSet\Control\Session manager\DOS Devices

C:>echo no bcdedit/debug on

no bcdedit/debug on

C:>powershell -c "bcdedit /enum | select-string 'debug'"

debug                   No

C:>echo 运行 dbgview 以捕获内核调试打印

running dbgview to capture kernel debug prints

C:>dbgview /v /l dbgviewnoregkeynodebugon.txt

C:>echo 启动 livekd 以便生成一些 kdprints

starting livekd so that it makes a few kdprints


LiveKd v5.62 - Execute kd/windbg on a live system

For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
kd> q

Execute Kd again? (y/n) n

Exiting LiveKd.

C:>echo 运行 OutputDebugString

running a OutputDebugString

C:\>type odbgstr.ps1
methdef = @'
public extern static void OutputDebugString(string lpout);
$k32 = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $methdef -Name "kout" -PassThru -Namespace Win32
$k32::OutputDebugString("Notoriously Difficult Debug prints")

C:\>powershell -f odbgstr.ps1

C:>echo 打印日志

printing the log

C:\>cat dbgviewnoregkeynodebugon.txt
00000001        1:11:00.860 AM  [87A7BED8] WskProIRPGetAddrInfo is called.
00000002        1:11:00.860 AM  [bind=874FA5D0] Binding reference count++ = 2 (status = 00000000, impersonation= 2).
00000003        1:11:00.860 AM  [8745F8E8] Request reference count++ = 3.
00000004        1:11:00.860 AM  [8745F8E8] RPC method type = 1: rpc-method succeeded, queue to rpc-pending-list.
00000005        1:11:00.860 AM  [8745F8E8] Request reference count-- = 2.
00000006        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] WskKnrRpcComplete: rpc calls back for completion.
00000007        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] WskKnrCompletePending: complete pending request (rpc=1).
00000008        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] Request reference count-- = 1.
00000009        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] Request reference count-- = 0.
00000010        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] WskKnrCompleteRequest: rpc completion return status = 00000000 (reply=c0000272).
00000011        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] WskProAPIGetAddressInfo returned addrinfo: [addr=00000000].
00000012        1:11:03.487 AM  [bind=874FA5D0] Binding reference count-- = 1.
00000013        1:11:03.487 AM  [8745F8E8] WskKnrCompleteRequest: complete irp with IO status = c0000272.

00000014        1:12:29.977 AM  [4908] Notoriously Difficult Debug prints
于 2021-01-27T19:50:38.080 回答