I have used a macro I found on a forum online.

It detects the background colour of a indicated cell and returns a numerical value of that background colour. The problem is that it does it only once. When I change the background colour of the indicated cell, the numerical value does not update. To update it I have to change something in the cell where I call on the macro (e.g. delete one character and retype it), and hit enter. Then it updates the numerical value.

Is there a way to get it to update automatically? Alternatively, is there an easier way to get it to update (compared to the described deleting and retyping method), preferably one that works on multiple cells at once.

Code by Villeroy at openoffice forum:

Function CELL_BACKCOLOR(vSheet,lRowIndex&,iColIndex%)
'calls: getSheetCell
REM returns color code as number
Dim v
   v = getSheetCell(vSheet,lRowIndex&,iColIndex%)
   if vartype(v) = 9 then
      CELL_BACKCOLOR = v.CellBackColor
End Function

Function getSheetCell(byVal vSheet,byVal lRowIndex&,byVal iColIndex%)
dim oSheet
'   print vartype(vsheet)
   oSheet = getSheet(vSheet)
   if varType(oSheet) <>9 then
      getSheetCell = NULL
   elseif (lRowIndex > oSheet.rows.count)OR(lRowIndex < 1) then
      getSheetCell = NULL
   elseif (iColIndex > oSheet.columns.count)OR(iColIndex < 1) then
      getSheetCell = NULL
      getSheetCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iColIndex -1,lRowIndex -1)
End Function

1 回答 1


我不确定为什么“自动计算”设置在这种情况下不起作用(使用 LibreOffice 7.0.2 测试)。无论如何,您可以手动更新单个单元格或多个单元格的宏输出:

  • 对于单个单元格,点击F9
  • 对于多个单元格,选择它们并点击CTRL++ 。SHIFTF9
于 2021-01-25T13:11:19.487 回答