HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> attachments = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
if (emailMessage.getHasAttachments() || emailMessage.getAttachments().getItems().size() > 0) {
//get all the attachments
AttachmentCollection attachmentsCol = emailMessage.getAttachments();
log.info("File Count: " +attachmentsCol.getCount());
//loop over the attachments
for (int i = 0; i < attachmentsCol.getCount(); i++) {
Attachment attachment = attachmentsCol.getPropertyAtIndex(i);
//log.debug("Starting to process attachment "+ attachment.getName());
//FileAttachment - Represents a file that is attached to an email item
if (attachment instanceof FileAttachment || attachment.getIsInline()) {
attachments.putAll(extractFileAttachments(attachment, properties));
} else if (attachment instanceof ItemAttachment) { //ItemAttachment - Represents an Exchange item that is attached to another Exchange item.
attachments.putAll(extractItemAttachments(service, attachment, properties, appendedBody));
} else {
log.debug("Email message does not have any attachments.");
//Extract File Attachments
try {
FileAttachment fileAttachment = (FileAttachment) attachment;
// if we don't call this, the Content property may be null.
//extract the attachment content, it's not base64 encoded.
attachmentContent = fileAttachment.getContent();
if (attachmentContent != null && attachmentContent.length > 0) {
//check the size
int attachmentSize = attachmentContent.length;
//check if the attachment is valid
ValidateEmail.validateAttachment(fileAttachment, properties,
emailIdentifier, attachmentSize);
fileAttachments.put(UtilConstants.ATTACHMENT_SIZE, String.valueOf(attachmentSize));
//get attachment name
String fileName = fileAttachment.getName();
fileAttachments.put(UtilConstants.ATTACHMENT_NAME, fileName);
String mimeType = fileAttachment.getContentType();
fileAttachments.put(UtilConstants.ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE, mimeType);
log.info("File Name: " + fileName + " File Size: " + attachmentSize);
if (attachmentContent != null && attachmentContent.length > 0) {
//convert the content to base64 encoded string and add to the collection.
String base64Encoded = UtilFunctions.encodeToBase64(attachmentContent);
fileAttachments.put(UtilConstants.ATTACHMENT_CONTENT, base64Encoded);
//Extract Item Attachment
try {
ItemAttachment itemAttachment = (ItemAttachment) attachment;
PropertySet propertySet = new PropertySet(
BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, ItemSchema.Attachments,
ItemSchema.Body, ItemSchema.Id, ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived,
EmailMessageSchema.DateTimeReceived, EmailMessageSchema.Body);
Item item = itemAttachment.getItem();
eBody = appendItemBody(item, appendedBody.get(UtilConstants.BODY_CONTENT));
appendedBody.put(UtilConstants.BODY_CONTENT, eBody);
* We need to check if Item attachment has further more
* attachments like .msg attachment, which is an outlook email
* as attachment. Yes, we can attach an email chain as
* attachment and that email chain can have multiple
* attachments.
AttachmentCollection childAttachments = item.getAttachments();
//check if not empty collection. move on
if (childAttachments != null && !childAttachments.getItems().isEmpty() && childAttachments.getCount() > 0) {
for (Attachment childAttachment : childAttachments) {
if (childAttachment instanceof FileAttachment) {
itemAttachments.putAll(extractFileAttachments(childAttachment, properties, emailIdentifier));
} else if (childAttachment instanceof ItemAttachment) {
itemAttachments = extractItemAttachments(service, childAttachment, properties, appendedBody, emailIdentifier);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Exception while extracting Item Attachments: " + e.getMessage());