我是 R 的初学者。我花了一天的大部分时间才找到解决方案。

我需要一个在 x 轴上带有日期的二维散点图。这是我所拥有的:

################## CSV file looks like this

csvu<-read.csv("2D-plot-Tabelle.csv", sep = ";", encoding="UTF-8")  # from Numbers

# as.Date converts into class Date 
csvu$Datum <- as.Date(csvu$Datum, "%d.%m.%Y") # this is the read format. capital Y = year with century
plot(csvu$Datum, csvu$Summe, 
     main="This is my plot", 
     type = "b", # both lines and dots
     lwd = 2, # line width
     # col = "darkgreen", # col = symbol surround color
     col = rainbow(25), 
     pch=16,            # pch = symbol interior color, see http://applied-r.com/r-graphics-plot-parameters/#axes
     cex = 2)           # cex = size of plot symbols

plot() 显然应用了一个默认的 x 轴编号,它给出了 5 个月的月份值,没有日期或年份。

我需要 x 轴刻度和日期的“编号”,格式为“%d.%m.%Y”,每月间隔和根据日期。我更喜欢垂直书写日期。有什么建议吗?

######## 自己找到了解决方案。也许对其他人来说很有趣:

# add  xaxt="n", as plot-parameter (disable x-axis numbering and ticks), than
axis.Date(1,at=csvu$Datum,labels=format(csvu$Datum,"%d %b %Y"),las=2) # las=2 vertical, 1 horiz.

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