我刚刚偶然发现了 Backgroundworker 对象,它似乎是我正在寻找的工具,可以让我的 GUI 在执行计算时做出响应。我正在为 ArcGIS 编写 IO 插件。

我正在 ArcGIS 之外进行一些数据处理,使用 backgroundworker 可以正常工作。但是当我将数据插入 ArcGIS 时,后台工作人员似乎将持续时间增加了 9 倍左右。将处理代码放在 DoWork 方法之外,可以将性能提高 9 倍。

我在网上读过这几个地方,但我没有多线程编程的经验,而且像 STA 和 MTA 这样的术语对我来说毫无意义。链接文本 我也尝试使用简单的线程实现,但结果相似。

有谁知道我可以做些什么才能使用 ArcGIS 处理和维护响应式 GUI?

编辑:我已经包含了我与后台工作人员交互的示例。如果我将 StartImporting 方法中的代码放在 cmdStart_Click 方法中,它的执行速度会快得多。

private void StartImporting(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    DateTime BeginTime = DateTime.Now;
    // Create a new report object.
    SKLoggingObject loggingObject = new SKLoggingObject("log.txt");

    SKImport skImporter = new SKImport(loggingObject);
        // Read from a text box - no writing.
    SKGeometryCollection convertedCollection = null;

    // Create a converter object.
    GEN_SK2ArcGIS converter = new GEN_SK2ArcGIS(loggingObject);

    // Convert the data.
    convertedCollection = converter.Convert(skImporter.GetGeometry());

    // Create a new exporter.
    ArcGISExport arcgisExporter = new ArcGISExport(loggingObject);

    // Open the file.            
    // Read from a text box - no writing.

    // Insert the geometry collection.
    TimeSpan totalTime = DateTime.Now - BeginTime;
    lblStatus.Text = "Done...";


private void ChangeProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) 
    // If any message was passed, display it.
    if (e.UserState != null && !((string)e.UserState).Equals(""))
    lblStatus.Text = (string)e.UserState;
    // Update the progress bar.
    pgStatus.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

private void ImportDone(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    // If the process was cancelled, note this.
    if (e.Cancelled)
    pgStatus.Value = 0;
    lblStatus.Text = "Operation was aborted by user...";


private void cmdStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Begin importing the sk file to the geometry collection.

    // Initialise worker.
    bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
    bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ImportDone);
    bgWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(ChangeProgress);
    bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(StartImporting);
    bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
    bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

    // Start worker.


private void cmdCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



3 回答 3


在 ArcGIS 中处理 COM 对象时应该使用 STA 线程是正确的。尽管如此,您仍然可以获得 BackgroundWorker 的便利,它始终是来自系统线程池的 MTA 线程。

private static void OnBackgroundWorkerDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
    ToolToStart tool = e.Argument as ToolToStart;

    if (tool != null)
        tool.BackgroundWorker = worker;

        // The background worker thread is an MTA thread, 
        // and should not operate on ArcObjects/COM types.
        // Instead we create an STA thread to run the tool in.
        // When the the tool finishes the infomation from the STA thread 
        // is transferred to the background worker's event arguments.
        Thread toolThread = new Thread(STAThreadStart);

        e.Cancel = m_ToolCanceled;
        e.Result = m_ToolResult;

STA 线程现在可以使用 BackgroundWorker 的方法,例如报告进度、检查取消和报告结果。

protected virtual void StatusUpdateNotify(ProgressState progressState)
    if (BackgroundWorker.CancellationPending)
        throw new OperationCanceledException();

    BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(progressState.Progress, progressState);

除了在对 ArcGIS 对象进行操作时仅使用 STA 线程外,您不应在两个线程之间共享对象。从您的代码中,您似乎可以从后台工作人员访问 GUI lblStatus.Text = "Done...";:,这可以在例如 RunWorkerComplete 的委托中完成。

于 2009-05-05T15:10:20.827 回答

通常,为了维护响应式 GUI,您需要执行在不同线程中工作的代码。使用 BeginInvoke 方法使用 .net 非常容易:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa334867 (VS.71).aspx

简而言之,将所有非 GUI 代码包含在一个单独的类(或多个类)中,而不是直接调用每个方法,而是创建一个委托并在其上调用 BeginInvoke 方法。然后该方法将启动并执行此操作,而无需与 GUI 进一步交互。如果您希望它更新 GUI(例如进度条),那么您可以从类中引发事件并从 GUI 中捕获它们,但是您需要确保以线程安全的方式更新控件。如果您希望 GUI 在方法完成时更新,那么您可以使用 EndInvoke 方法来处理它

于 2009-03-18T14:37:54.527 回答

我一直在努力寻找解决方案,以下是我最终做的事情。代码是从各种文件中剪切和粘贴的,并呈现给我一个关于我所做的事情的想法。它演示了如何调用使用线程与 ArcGIS 通信的方法。该代码允许我在主线程中更新 GUI、中止操作并执行操作后的操作。我最终使用了我最初发布的链接中的第一个线程部分。

最初性能损失的原因可能是由于 ArcGIS 所需的单线程单元 (STA)。Backgroundworker 似乎是 MTA,因此不适合使用 ArcGIS

好了,我希望我没有忘记任何事情,并且可以随意编辑我的解决方案。它既可以帮助我,也可以帮助其他人为 ArcGIS 开发东西。

public class Program
    private volatile bool AbortOperation;
    Func<bool> AbortOperationDelegate;
    FinishProcessDelegate finishDelegate;
    UpdateGUIDelegate updateGUIDelegate;

    private delegate void UpdateGUIDelegate(int progress, object message);
    private delegate void FinishProcessDelegate();

    private void cmdBegin_Click(...)
        // Create finish delegate, for determining when the thread is done.
        finishDelegate = new FinishProcessDelegate(ProcessFinished);
        // A delegate for updating the GUI.
        updateGUIDelegate = new UpdateGUIDelegate(UpdateGUI);
        // Create a delegate function for abortion.
        AbortOperationDelegate = () => AbortOperation;

        Thread BackgroundThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartProcess));            
        // Force single apartment state. Required by ArcGIS.

    private void StartProcess()
        // Update GUI.
        updateGUIDelegate(0, "Beginning process...");

        // Create object.
        Converter converter = new Converter(AbortOperationDelegate);
        // Parse the GUI update method to the converter, so it can update the GUI from within the converter. 
        converter.Progress += new ProcessEventHandler(UpdateGUI);
        // Begin converting.

        // Tell the main thread, that the process has finished.
        FinishProcessDelegate finishDelegate = new FinishProcessDelegate(ProcessFinished);

        // Update GUI.
        updateGUIDelegate(100, "Process has finished.");

    private void cmdAbort_Click(...)
        AbortOperation = true;

    private void ProcessFinished()
        // Post processing.

    private void UpdateGUI(int progress, object message)
        // If the call has been placed at the local thread, call it on the main thread.
        if (this.pgStatus.InvokeRequired)
            UpdateGUIDelegate guidelegate = new UpdateGUIDelegate(UpdateGUI);
            this.Invoke(guidelegate, new object[] { progress, message });
            // The call was made on the main thread, update the GUI.
            pgStatus.Value = progress;
            lblStatus.Text = (string)message;   

public class Converter
    private Func<bool> AbortOperation { get; set;}

    public Converter(Func<bool> abortOperation)
        AbortOperation = abortOperation;

    public void Execute()
        // Calculations using ArcGIS are done here.
        while(...) // Insert your own criteria here.
            // Update GUI, and replace the '...' with the progress.
            OnProgressChange(new ProgressEventArgs(..., "Still working..."));

            // Check for abortion at anytime here...

    public event ProgressEventHandler Progress;
    private virtual void OnProgressChange(ProgressEventArgs e)
        var p = Progress;
        if (p != null)
            // Invoke the delegate. 
        p(e.Progress, e.Message);

public class ProgressEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Progress { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public ProgressEventArgs(int _progress, string _message)
        Progress = _progress;
        Message = _message;

public delegate void ProgressEventHandler(int percentProgress, object userState);
于 2009-03-25T07:53:24.197 回答