有没有办法使用 Ibatis/MyBatis 动态选择/更新/删除?
当我说“动态”时,这意味着我根本不想创建任何 POJO/DataMapper。
欢迎任何 URL 示例。
,表数据将被放入列名到值的 HashMap 中。如果查询返回多于 1 行,则映射的行将被放入列表中。如果要选择单个列,则可以只获取该值(如字符串、int 等)或列表。
<select id="test1" resultType="map">select * from user</select>
<select id="test2" resultType="map" parameterType="int">
select * from user where id=#{value}</select>
<select id="test3" resultType="string">select name from user</select>
// returns a list of maps
List test = sqlSession.selectList("test1");
// returns a single map
Object map = sqlSession.selectOne("test2", 0);
// returns a list of strings
List names = sqlSession.selectList("test3");
这适用于 MyBatis 3;我认为你可以在 iBatis 2 中做类似的事情。
public interface IAutoRepository {
* The automatically generated insertPKs sql statements.
* Parts of the query can be set manually in the sql (insert-select query).
* @param items the {@link WhereStmt} statements
* @return the inserted rows count
<T extends WhereStmt> Integer insertPKs(@Param("items") List<T> items);
* Returns the value based on the {@link Parameter} class
* @param param the {@link Parameter} instance
* @return the searched value in a {@link java.util.Map} form
<T extends Parameter> Map<String, Map<String, ?>> getDistinctValues(@Param("param") T param);
<sql id="includeDistinctValues">
<when test='param.type.name() == "set"'>
DISTINCT ${param.column} AS val
<when test='param.type.name() == "date" or param.type.name() == "range"'>
<some uid> AS val,
MIN(${param.minColumn}) AS min,
MAX(${param.maxColumn}) AS max
FROM ${entityTable}
你从 mybatis 收到的是 java.util.Map。然后你可以使用它,比如:
public enum StmtType {
set((valMap) -> {
final Set<String> distinctValues = valMap
.map(val -> (String) val.get("VAL"))
//use in date/range case
//final Date minDate = (Date) val.get("MIN");
//final Date maxDate = (Date) val.get("MAX");
return distinctValues;
(values, params) -> {
final SetParameter parameter = (SetParameter) params.getParams();
return new WhereSetStmt<>(parameter.getColumn(), values, params.getIncludeEmptyValues());
private Function<Map<String, Map<String, ?>>, ? extends Iterable> toValue;
private BiFunction<Collection, DataParam, ? extends WhereStmt> toWhereStmt;
Function<Map<String, Map<String, ?>>, ? extends Iterable> toValue,
BiFunction<Collection, DataParam, ? extends WhereStmt> toWhereStmt
) {
this.toValue = toValue;
this.toWhereStmt = toWhereStmt;
其中 SetParameter 可以表示为:
public class SetParameter extends Parameter {
* Column in sql query,
private final String column;
public SetParameter(String column) {
this.column = column;
此外,您可以定义一些 WhereStmt,例如:
public abstract class WhereStmt {
* Type of the statement
private final StmtType type;
* Shall empty values be included.
private final boolean includeEmptyValues;
public class WhereSetStmt<T> extends WhereStmt {
* The column for `column` IN (...) statement
private String column;
* Values for `column` IN (...) statement
private Collection<T> values;
public WhereSetStmt(String column, Collection<T> values, boolean includeEmptyValues) {
super(StmtType.set, includeEmptyValues);
this.column = column;
this.values = values;
public final class DataParam<P extends Parameter> {
* Whether to include nullable values.
private final Boolean includeEmptyValues;
* Represents database required information for later processing and sql statements generation.
private final P params;
最后,在 mybatis generic 中Common.xml
<sql id="includeInsertPkSelect">
FROM ${entityTable}
<sql id="includeInsertPkWhere">
<if test="items != null and items.size() > 0">
<foreach collection="items" item="item" index="i" separator="AND">
<when test='item.type.name() == "set" and ( item.values != null and item.values.size() > 0 or item.includeEmptyValues )'>
<if test="item.values != null and item.values.size() > 0">
${item.column} IN
<foreach item="value" collection="item.values" separator="," open="("
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
${item.column} IS null
<when test='item.type.name() == "date"'>
COALESCE(${item.column}, SYSDATE + 1000000)
BETWEEN #{item.from} AND #{item.to}
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
OR ${item.column} IS NULL
<when test='item.type.name() == "range"'>
COALESCE(${item.column}, 1000000000)
BETWEEN #{item.from} AND #{item.to}
<if test="item.includeEmptyValues">
OR ${item.column} IS NULL
<insert id='insertPKs'>
INSERT INTO requiredTable
<include refid="Common.includeInsertPkSelect">
<property name="id" value="entityId"/>
<property name="entityTable" value="entityTable"/>
<include refid="Common.includeInsertPkWhere">
<property name="id" value="entityId"/>
<property name="entityTable" value="entityTable"/>
是的,应该可以通过 API 在运行时构建映射,并使用 Maps 而不是实体类。
是的,您可以在不使用 POJO 的情况下进行选择/更新/删除。在 myBatis 中,您可以在 Mapper XML 中编写查询,并设置将从 SQL 语句返回的 resultType 并将其存储在对象中。
<mapper namespace = "data">
<select id = "fetch" resultType = "java.util.HashMap">
select * from table_name
List<Map<String,Object>> results = session.selectList("data.fetch");