我有一个表面上有点的 3D 球体。这些点以球坐标表示,如方位角、仰角和 r。
azimuth elevation r
[[ 0. 90. 1.47 ]
[ 0. 85.2073787 1.47 ]
[ 0. 78.16966379 1.47 ]
[ 0. 70.30452954 1.47 ]
[ 0. 62.0367492 1.47 ]
[ 0. 53.56289304 1.47 ]
[ 0. 45. 1.47 ]
[ 0. 36.43710696 1.47 ]
[ 0. 27.9632508 1.47 ]
[ 0. 19.69547046 1.47 ]
[ 0. 11.83033621 1.47 ]
[ 0. 4.7926213 1.47 ]
[ 0. 0. 1.47 ]
[ 0. -4.7926213 1.47 ]
[ 0. -11.83033621 1.47 ]
[ 0. -19.69547046 1.47 ]
[ 0. -27.9632508 1.47 ]
[ 0. -36.43710696 1.47 ]
[ 0. -45. 1.47 ]
[ 0. -53.56289304 1.47 ]
[ 0. -62.0367492 1.47 ]
[ 0. -70.30452954 1.47 ]
[ 0. -78.16966379 1.47 ]
[ 0. -85.2073787 1.47 ]
[ 0. -90. 1.47 ]
[ 1.64008341 -1.6394119 1.47 ]
[ 1.64008341 1.6394119 1.47 ]
[ 2.37160039 8.01881788 1.47 ]
[ 2.37160039 -8.01881788 1.47 ]
[ 2.80356493 -15.58649429 1.47 ]
[ 2.80356493 15.58649429 1.47 ]
[ 3.16999007 23.70233802 1.47 ]
[ 3.16999007 -23.70233802 1.47 ]
[ 3.56208248 -32.09871039 1.47 ]
[ 3.56208248 32.09871039 1.47 ]
[ 4.04606896 40.63141594 1.47 ]
[ 4.04606896 -40.63141594 1.47 ]
[ 4.1063771 -4.09587122 1.47 ]
给定一个任意点,我想计算数据集中“包含”输入点的 3 个最近点。
def compute_three_closest_positions(self, azimuth_angle, elevation):
requested_position = np.array([azimuth_angle, elevation, 0])
# computing the absolute difference between the requested angles and the available one in the dataset
result = abs(self.sourcePositions - requested_position) #subtracting between dataset and requested point
result = np.delete(result, 2, 1) # removing the r data
result = result.sum(axis=1) #summing the overall difference for each point
# returning index of the closest points
indexes = result.argsort()[:3]
closest_points = self.sourcePositions[indexes]
return closest_points
代码工作正常,问题是有时我得到 3 个不包含请求点的最近点。
Requested point: azimut, elevation, distance
[200 0 1.47]
# As you might notice, the requested point is not inside the triangle created by the 3 closest points
Three closest points: azimut, elevation, distance
[[199.69547046 0. 1.47 ]
[199.40203659 5.61508214 1.47 ]
[199.40203659 -5.61508214 1.47 ]]
Requested position:
[190 0 1.47]
# As you can notice, in this case the requested point is inside the triangle generated by the closest 3 points
Three closest points:
[[191.83033621 0. 1.47 ]
[188.02560265 2.34839855 1.47 ]
[188.02560265 -2.34839855 1.47 ]]
我该如何解决这个问题?我想获得“三角形”(我在球面上,所以它不是真正的三角形)包含我请求的点的 3 个最近点。