mySongs是一个向量,存储用户输入的歌曲集合。在 if 语句中,程序将根据用户输入检查向量中的元素。如果匹配,它将从向量中删除该指定值。当我寻找解决方案时,我看到有人建议使用remove/erase idiom:。但是当我在我的代码中实现时,它会继续弹出这个错误C2678 binary '==': no operator found which takes a left - hand operand of type 'Song' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

void deleteSong() {
    string songTitle;

    cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter the particular song name to remove: ";
    cin >> songTitle;

    if (songTitle != "") {
        for (Song songs : mySongs) {
            if (songs.title == songTitle) {
                mySongs.erase(find(mySongs.begin, mySongs.end, songs));  //erase an element with value

1 回答 1


这个错误是因为类 Song 没有 == 运算符。这可以通过以下两种方式之一解决

  1. 如果您可以访问 Song 的源代码,请添加以下函数。请注意 const 是必要的

     bool operator == ( const Song& song)
         //Do the comparison code here
  2. 如果您无权访问源代码。然后添加以下函数

    bool operator == (const Song& song1, const Song& song2)
         // Do the comparison code here  



     mySongs.erase(find(mySongs.begin(), mySongs.end(), songs));

我决定添加一个最小的例子来帮助你。在那个例子中,我假设了 Song 的某个实现,但该实现不一定是你所拥有的

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Song
        std::string title;
    /*  bool operator ==(const Song& other)
            return this->title == other.title;
    bool operator ==(const Song& song1,const Song& other)
            return song1.title == other.title;
    std::vector<Song> mySongs={{"ali"},{"ahmed"},{"ali"}};;
    void deleteSong() {
        string songTitle;

        cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter the particular song name to remove: ";
        cin >> songTitle;

        if (songTitle != "") {
            for (const auto& songs : mySongs) {
                if (songs.title == songTitle) {
                    mySongs.erase(find(mySongs.begin(), mySongs.end(), songs));  //erase an element with value
    int main() {

        // your code goes here
        return 0;
于 2021-01-13T08:23:20.223 回答