我是grape和backbonejs的新手。我想制作一个模板构建器,除了具有grapejs提供的默认组件(如标签、图像等)外,还将具有ex-top 5产品的自定义组件,其中包含图像和产品名称以及它将从服务器获取最新数据。在这种情况下,我无法弄清楚应该在哪里进行 API 调用以及如何使用获取的结果在组件中显示。我尝试过的代码的链接在评论中。


1 回答 1


如果您将代码移动到道具更改处理程序,而不是视图的 onRender 函数,您将能够根据需要使用 API 调用中的值。

检查这个小改动: https ://jsfiddle.net/jvas28/8sb3tn94/1/

const editor = grapesjs.init({
    container: '#gjs',
  fromElement: 1,
  height: '100%',
  storageManager: { type: 0 },

editor.DomComponents.addType('test-component', {
    model: {
        defaults: {
            testprop: '12345',
            url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1'
        init() {
            console.log('Local hook: model.init', this.attributes.testprop);
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(commits => {
                    this.set('testprop', 'Test');
            this.listenTo(this, 'change:testprop', this.handlePropChange);
            // Here we can listen global hooks with editor.on('...')
        updated(property, value, prevValue) {
            console.log('Local hook: model.updated',
                'property', property, 'value', value, 'prevValue', prevValue);
        removed() {
            console.log('Local hook: model.removed');
        handlePropChange() {
             let prop = this.get('testprop');
            // Here inside view it is getting the old value. of "testprop" i.e '12345' but not 
            //the new value 
            //which is being fetched from server in the init() of model.
            let comp1 = '<div>' +
                '<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Image_created_with_a_mobile_phone.png/1200px-Image_created_with_a_mobile_phone.png" />' +
                '<span title="foo">' + prop + '</span>' +  '</div>';

                const component = editor.addComponents(comp1);
            return component
    view: {
        init() {
            console.log('Local hook: view.init');

// A block for the custom component
editor.BlockManager.add('test-component', {
    label: 'Test Component',
    content: `<div data-gjs-type="test-component"></div>`,
于 2021-01-14T09:25:26.757 回答