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let y = { BigVal = b; SmallVal = 0 }
mySet |> Set.map (fun x -> { y with SmallVal = x })
type BigType = { Big: Set<int> }
let b = { Big = set [ 0 .. 999999 ] }
type CollectionType(smallVal: int) =
interface System.IComparable with
member __.CompareTo other =
compare __.SmallVal (other :?> CollectionType).SmallVal
member __.BigVal = b
member __.SmallVal = smallVal
let mySet = set [ 0 .. 50 ]
mySet |> Set.map (fun x -> CollectionType(x))
这不是一个完整的解决方案,因为有一个警告FS0343: The type 'CollectionType' implements 'System.IComparable' explicitly but provides no corresponding override for 'Object.Equals'. An implementation of 'Object.Equals' has been automatically provided, implemented via 'System.IComparable'. Consider implementing the override 'Object.Equals' explicitly