我正在尝试建立 Azure 数据工厂复制数据管道。源是一个开放的 HTTP 链接源(网址参考:https ://clinicaltrials.gov/AllPublicXML.zip )。所以基本上源包含一个包含许多 XML 文件的压缩文件夹。我想使用 Azure 数据工厂将提取的 XML 文件解压缩并保存在 Azure Blob 存储中。我试图遵循此处提到的配置:How to decompress a zip file in Azure Data Factory v2 但我收到以下错误:
ErrorCode=UserErrorSourceNotSeekable,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Your HttpServer source can't support random read which is requied by current copy activity setting, please create two copy activities to work around it: the first copy activity binary copy your HttpServer source to a staging file store(like Azure Blob, Azure Data Lake, File, etc.), second copy activity copy from the staged file store to your destination with current settings.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'