我正在尝试从IncomingMessage异步钩子提供的实例中获取 HTTP 标头和 HTTP 正文HTTPINCOMINGMESSAGE

import asyncHooks = require("async_hooks");
import { IncomingMessage } from "http";

  init: (
    asyncId: number,
    type: string,
    triggerAsyncId: number,
    req: IncomingMessage
  ) => {
    if (type !== "HTTPINCOMINGMESSAGE") return;

    // Where are the HTTP headers?
    console.log(req.headers); // prints `undefined`

    // How do I get the HTTP body?
    console.log(req.on); // prints `undefined`

    // Yet, `req` is an `IncomingMessage`, the same than following `req`:
    //   const http = require('http');
    //   http.createServer((req, res) => {
    //     // The HTTP request headers are available here!
    //     console.log(req.headers);
    //     // `req` is an `IncomingMessage` as well
    //     console.log(req.constructor===IncomingMessage); // prints `true`
    //   });
    console.log(req.constructor===IncomingMessage); // prints `true`

我已经深入研究了 Node.js 源代码,但没有运气。我找不到填充的代码req.headers,也找不到创建 HTTP 正文流的代码。


总体目标是使通配符 API能够提供context

import { context } from '@wildcard-api/server';

// Wildcard saves a cookie on behaf of the Wildcard user, and exposes
// the value saved in the cookie over an ES6 proxy `context`.

function called_somewhere_within_an_http_request_lifecycle() {
  // Wildcard uses Async Hooks to be able to know the HTTP request associated
  // with the following `context.userName` ES6 proxy getter call, and therefore
  // can provide the value `userName` saved in the cookie of the HTTP request.

1 回答 1


不应该使用异步挂钩来修改程序行为。创建此 API 以跟踪异步资源,例如测量性能。试图以这种方式修改程序会导致未定义的行为和不可预测的错误。

您可以对 NodeJS 的 HTTP 库进行猴子补丁,但我强烈建议您避免使用它。

于 2021-01-11T16:52:12.637 回答