我的 GUI 是一个 python 脚本启动器,我想创建一个新的控制台窗口来处理选定的脚本。但我无法让 subprocess.Popen 处理正确发送的参数。即使参数列表正确填充,它也会从 GUI 的 Python 环境而不是用户选择的环境运行脚本(eg. ['C:\\Python\\python.exe', '-i', 'C:\\Script\\testscript.py'].

def run_script(self):
    # Create a list for arguments to be used in Popen
    args = []
    # Get the python path from config.ini
    # Just assume this is C:\Python\python.exe
    python_path = get_settings_value("Python_Path", "Default")
    # Add the python path to the argument list
    # Add '-i' to argument list, this will open an interactive python window
    # For every script selected, create a subprocess and run with argument list
    for index in self.treeView_scripts.selectedIndexes():
        # Only run if selected item is a file
        if not self.tree_view_model.isDir(index):
            # Get the full path to the script
            script_path = os.path.abspath(self.tree_view_model.fileInfo(index))
            # Append script path to the argument list, run subprocess, and remove the script path from the argument list
            subprocess.Popen(args, executable = sys.executable, creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)

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