我目前正在使用 NSString 辅助方法在 NSView 上编写许多文本块......但是在许多情况下编写大量重复文本非常慢。我正在尝试重新编写代码,以便将文本转换为生成一次,然后多次绘制的 NSBezierPath。以下将在屏幕底部绘制文本。


// Write a path to the view
NSBezierPath* path = [self bezierPathFromText: @"Hello world!" maxWidth: width];
[[NSColor grayColor] setFill];
[path fill];


-(NSBezierPath*) bezierPathFromText: (NSString*) text maxWidth: (float) maxWidth {

// Create a container describing the shape of the text area,
// for testing done use the whole width of the NSView.
NSTextContainer* container = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithContainerSize:NSMakeSize(maxWidth - maxWidth/4, 60)];

// Create a storage object to hold an attributed version of the string to display
NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size: 26];
NSDictionary* attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: font, NSFontAttributeName, nil];
NSTextStorage* storage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString: text attributes: attr];

// Create a layout manager responsible for writing the text to the NSView
NSLayoutManager* layoutManger = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
[layoutManger addTextContainer: container];
[layoutManger setTextStorage: storage];

NSRange glyphRange = [layoutManger glyphRangeForTextContainer: container];
NSGlyph glyphArray[glyphRange.length];
NSUInteger glyphCount = [layoutManger getGlyphs:glyphArray range:glyphRange];

NSBezierPath* path = [[NSBezierPath alloc] init];
//NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 30, 30)];
[path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(0, 7)]; 
[path appendBezierPathWithGlyphs:glyphArray count: glyphCount inFont:font];

// Deallocate unused objects
[layoutManger release];
[storage release];
[container release];

return [path autorelease];

编辑:我正在尝试优化输出到屏幕的应用程序,大量文本序列,例如 10,000 个数字的序列。每个数字在其周围都有标记和/或它们之间有不同数量的空间,有些数字在它们的上方、下方或之间有点和/或线。它类似于本文档第二页顶部的示例,但输出要多得多。


2 回答 2



[path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(0, 7)];


于 2011-07-03T06:28:54.900 回答


// Create the path
NSBezierPath* path = [self bezierPathFromText: @"Fish are fun to watch in a fish tank, but not fun to eat, or something like that." maxWidth: width];

// Draw a copy of it at a transformed (moved) location
NSAffineTransform* transform = [[NSAffineTransform alloc] init];
[transform translateXBy: 10 yBy: 10];
NSBezierPath* path2 = [path copy];
[path2 transformUsingAffineTransform: transform];
[[NSColor greenColor] setFill];
[path2 fill];
[path2 release];
[transform release];
[path2 release];

// Draw another copy of it at a transformed (moved) location
transform = [[NSAffineTransform alloc] init];
[transform translateXBy: 10 yBy: 40];
path2 = [path copy];
[path2 transformUsingAffineTransform: transform];
[[NSColor greenColor] setFill];
[path2 fill];
[path2 release];
[transform release];
于 2011-07-03T06:28:51.927 回答