我正在尝试使用 API 自动进行 Scopus 搜索,以便我们可以更轻松地跟踪与联合国可持续发展目标相关的出版物。但是,我无法获得正确的语法每个 SDG 的搜索字符串又长又复杂。此处记录了每个 SDG 的搜索字符串:https ://data.mendeley.com/datasets/87txkw7khs/1#file-71334e20-2e74-4557-9002-0b8d2b28103e

我正在测试 SDG 2,字符串如下所示:

TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( {land tenure rights}  OR  ( smallholder  AND  ( farm  OR  forestry  OR  pastoral  OR  agriculture  OR  fishery  OR  {food producer}  OR  {food producers} ) )  OR  malnourish*  OR  malnutrition  OR  undernourish*  OR  {undernutrition}  OR  {agricultural production}  OR  {agricultural productivity}  OR  {agricultural practices}  OR  {agricultural management}  OR  {food production}  OR  {food productivity}  OR  {food security}  OR  {food insecurity}  OR  {land right}  OR  {land rights}  OR  {land reform}  OR  {land reforms}  OR  {resilient agricultural practices}  OR  ( agriculture  AND  potassium )  OR  fertili?er  OR  {food nutrition improvement}  OR  {hidden hunger}  OR  {genetically modified food}  OR  ( gmo  AND  food )  OR  {agroforestry practices}  OR  {agroforestry management}  OR  {agricultural innovation}  OR  ( {food security}  AND  {genetic diversity} )  OR  ( {food market}  AND  ( restriction  OR  tariff  OR  access  OR  {north south divide}  OR  {development governance} ) )  OR  {food governance}  OR  {food supply chain}  OR  {food value chain}  OR  {food commodity market}  AND NOT  {disease} ) )

花括号根本不适用于 API 交互工具(即使是单个项目),所以我尝试了这个版本的查询:

TITLE-ABS-KEY(("land tenure rights" OR (smallholder AND (farm OR forestry OR pastoral OR agriculture OR fishery OR "food producer" OR "food producers") ) OR malnourish* OR malnutrition OR undernourish* OR "undernutrition" OR "agricultural production" OR "agricultural productivity" OR "agricultural practices" OR "agricultural management" OR "food production" OR "food productivity" OR "food security" OR "food insecurity" OR "land right" OR "land rights" OR "land reform" OR "land reforms" OR "resilient agricultural practices" OR (agriculture AND potassium) OR fertili?er OR "food nutrition improvement" OR "hidden hunger" OR "genetically modified food" OR (gmo AND food) OR "agroforestry practices" OR "agroforestry management" OR "agricultural innovation" OR ("food security" AND "genetic diversity") OR ("food market" AND (restriction OR tariff OR access OR "north south divide" OR "development governance")) OR "food governance" OR "food supply chain" OR "food value chain" OR "food commodity market" AND NOT "disease"))

Scopus API 交互工具翻译为



我错过了什么吗?还是 API 不支持这么长时间的查询?


1 回答 1



  • ...打开的花括号{被替换为%7B, 和
  • }带有.的右花括号%7D

(另请参阅有关URL 中花括号的说明。)

整个 URL 是这样的:


于 2021-01-05T08:38:08.963 回答