您可以在 HTMLCanvasElement 上绘制两个视频流,然后从该 HTMLCanvasElement 调用其captureStream方法创建一个 MediaStream。
要绘制这两个视频流,您必须在 <video> 元素中读取它们,并将drawImage()
这些 <video> 元素以定时循环的方式读取到画布上(例如requestAnimationFrame
async function getOverlayedVideoStreams( stream1, stream2 ) {
// prepare both players
const vid1 = document.createElement("video");
const vid2 = document.createElement("video");
vid1.muted = vid2.muted = true;
vid1.srcObject = stream1;
vid2.srcObject = stream2;
await Promise.all( [
] );
// craete the renderer
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
let w = canvas.width = vid1.videoWidth;
let h = canvas.height = vid1.videoHeight;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// MediaStreams can change size while streaming, so we need to handle it
vid1.onresize = (evt) => {
w = canvas.width = vid1.videoWidth;
h = canvas.height = vid1.videoHeight;
// start the animation loop
return canvas.captureStream();
function anim() {
// draw bg video
ctx.drawImage( vid1, 0, 0 );
// caculate size and position of small corner-vid (you may change it as you like)
const cam_w = vid2.videoWidth;
const cam_h = vid2.videoHeight;
const cam_ratio = cam_w / cam_h;
const out_h = h / 3;
const out_w = out_h * cam_ratio;
ctx.drawImage( vid2, w - out_w, h - out_h, out_w, out_h );
// do the same thing again at next screen paint
requestAnimationFrame( anim );
由于 StackSnippets 不允许捕获 API,因此现场演示存在故障。