
我有一个电子商务平台,我想根据收入的百分比获利(例如,使用我平台的商店有 100 美元的订单,所以我得到 1% 或 1 美元,而他们得到 99 美元)。



Paypal 有一个“自适应支付”API,它允许对实时处理的单个交易进行链式或并行支付。这意味着我可以撇去我的 1% 并将剩余的钱实时传递给我的客户。

我想知道是否有类似的信用卡处理实时服务*?如果没有,是否有允许 API 付款访问的银行/商家,以便我可以每天或每周自动付款?或者我应该把所有的钱从我的银行转移到贝宝,然后用它来支付我的客户吗?

*我知道您无需注册即可通过 Paypal 处理信用卡付款,但这并不理想。我希望信用卡处理发生在我的页面上,因为目前我看到大约 70% 的订单通过 paypal 使用这个。


1 回答 1


I was wondering if there is a similar real-time service for Credit Card processing?

No there isn't. True merchant accounts do not allow for split payments. Only one entity can receive a payment and it must be the business the merchant account has been set up for. Receiving the payment for someone else is called factoring and is against all of the major credit card issuers' rules. If a merchant account is found to be factoring it will be closed and the merchant who owns the account will be blacklist. This will prevent them from ever having a true merchant account again. Additionally, there is no way to send money with a merchant account other then issuing a refund for prior purchases.

If not, is there a bank/merchant that allow API payment access so I can automate payments per day or week? OR should I just transfer all money from my bank to paypal and use this to pay my customers?

Other then using adaptive payments, this is definitely the easiest and most straight forward way to accomplish this.

于 2011-07-02T14:32:03.730 回答