While this is an older post, I wanted to add something to the conversation for future Googlers.
OP is correct in that we cannot declare functions in pure CoffeeScript (excluding the idea of using back-ticks to escape pure JS inside the CoffeeScript file).
But what we can do is bind the function to the window and essentially end up with something we can call as though it was a named function. I am not stating this is a named function, I'm providing a way to do what I imagine OP wants to actually do (call a function like foo(param) somewhere in the code) using pure CoffeeScript.
Here is an example of a function attached to the window in coffeescript:
window.autocomplete_form = (e) ->
autocomplete = undefined
street_address_1 = $('#property_street_address_1')
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(street_address_1[0], {})
google.maps.event.addListener autocomplete, "place_changed", ->
place = autocomplete.getPlace()
i = 0
while i < place.address_components.length
addr = place.address_components[i]
st_num = addr.long_name if addr.types[0] is "street_number"
st_name = addr.long_name if addr.types[0] is "route"
$("#property_city").val addr.long_name if addr.types[0] is "locality"
$("#property_state").val addr.short_name if addr.types[0] is "administrative_area_level_1"
$("#property_county").val (addr.long_name).replace(new RegExp("\\bcounty\\b", "gi"), "").trim() if addr.types[0] is "administrative_area_level_2"
$("#property_zip_code").val addr.long_name if addr.types[0] is "postal_code"
if st_num isnt "" and (st_num?) and st_num isnt "undefined"
street1 = st_num + " " + st_name
street1 = st_name
setTimeout (->
street_address_1.val("").val street1
), 10
street_address_1.val street1
This is using Google Places to return address information to auto-populate a form.
So we have a partial in a Rails app which is being loaded into a page. This means the DOM is already created, and if we call the function above on initial page load (before the ajax call renders the partial), jQuery won't see the $('#property_street_address_1') element (trust me - it didn't).
So we need to delay the google.maps.places.Autocomplete() until after the element is present on the page.
We can do this via the Ajax callback on successful load of the partial:
url = "/proposal/"+property_id+"/getSectionProperty"
$("#targ-"+target).load url, (response, status, xhr) ->
if status is 'success'
console.log('Loading the autocomplete form...')
window.isSectionDirty = false
So here, essentially, we're doing the same thing as calling foo()