我正在使用以下设置来遍历我的本地人。只有在 terraform 可以抓取数据资源的情况下,才应填写某些参数。如果数据资源不存在,则在参数中注明,然后跳过资源创建。

#Only get the data resource if it exists#################################
data "aws_ssm_parameter" "example_parameter" {
  count        = "${var.does_ssm_parameter_exist == true ? 1 : 0}"
  name         = "ssm_parameter"

#List of parameters for all config rules
locals {   
  config_rule_params = {
      "access_keys_rotated" = {
          "input_parameters" = "example"
      "acm_certificate_expiration_check" = {
          #ERROR! Get input parameters from data source if it exists#################################
          "input_parameters" = "${var.does_ssm_parameter_exist == "true" ? "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.example_parameter[count.index].value}" : "DOES_NOT_EXIST"}"

#Only create config rule if input parameters exist
resource "aws_config_config_rule" "parameterised_config_rules" {
  for_each = {
    for rule, params in local.config_rule_params : rule => params
    if params.input_parameters != "DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  input_parameters            = each.value.input_parameters

不幸的是,似乎我不能以这种方式使用 count.index :

Error: Reference to "count" in non-counted context
"input_parameters" = "${var.does_ssm_parameter_exist == "true" ? "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.example_parameter[count.index].value}" : "DOES_NOT_EXIST"}"
The "count" object can be used only in "resource" and "data" blocks, and only when the "count" argument is set.

1 回答 1


您对count.indexin的使用locals不正确。count只能在资源和模块中使用,不能用于locals. 因此,您必须明确指定您想要的参数索引,如下所示:

"input_parameters" = "${var.does_ssm_parameter_exist == "true" ? "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.example_parameter[0].value}" : "DOES_NOT_EXIST"}"

根据您的性质,您example_parameter可能需要使用常规循环或使用 splat 表达式来获取其所有值。

于 2020-12-28T22:03:52.720 回答