假设我有一个非凸目标函数loss,它采用形状为 (n,)的np.ndarray命名并返回一个数字。目标有很多很多局部最小值,因为它本质上是另一个形状 (n,) 的常量数组的函数。Xfloat np.round(X * c, 2)c


def loss(X: np.ndarray) -> float:
    c = np.array([0.1, 0.5, -0.8, 7.0, 0.0])
    X_rounded = np.round(X * c, 2)
    return rosen(X_rounded)

线性约束用两个常数矩阵(也存储为 numpy's ndarray)表示,A其形状为 (m, n) b,形状为 (m,)。我需要在保持的同时loss最小化。另外,每个元素都必须服从,我有一个不错的初步猜测。XA.dot(X) == bX0 <= X_i <= 2X0 = [1, 1, ..., 1]

我不需要全局最小值,搜索可以立即停止loss(X) <= 1。目标主要是用 SQL 编写的,因此速度非常慢,所以我还希望优化在loss被评估约 200 次时终止。(这不是硬性要求,您也可以在优化运行 5 分钟后终止。)

使用 scipy,我可以做到

rv = minimize(loss,
              bounds=[(0, 2)] * n,
                  'type': 'eq',
                  'fun': lambda x: A.dot(x) - b
                  'maxiter': 5




1 回答 1




>>> import mystic as my
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mystic.models import rosen
>>> A = np.array([[9., 0., 0., 8., -1],
...               [1., 1., -1., 0., 0.],
...               [2., -2., 6., 0., 5.]])
>>> b = np.array([18., .75, 11.5])
>>> c = np.array([0.1, 0.5, -0.8, 7.0, 0.0])
>>> def loss(x):
...     x_rounded = np.round(x * c, 2)
...     return rosen(x_rounded)
>>> cons = my.symbolic.linear_symbolic(A, b)
>>> cons = my.symbolic.solve(cons)
>>> cons = my.symbolic.generate_constraint(my.symbolic.generate_solvers(cons))
>>> bounds = [(0,2)] * len(c)


>>> stepmon = my.monitors.VerboseMonitor(1)
>>> rv = my.solvers.diffev2(loss, x0=bounds, bounds=bounds, constraints=cons, itermon=stepmon, disp=1, npop=20)
Generation 0 has ChiSquare: 15478.596962
Generation 1 has ChiSquare: 1833.714503
Generation 2 has ChiSquare: 1833.714503
Generation 3 has ChiSquare: 270.601079
Generation 4 has ChiSquare: 160.690618
Generation 5 has ChiSquare: 160.690618
Generation 6 has ChiSquare: 127.289639
Generation 7 has ChiSquare: 127.289639
Generation 8 has ChiSquare: 127.289639
Generation 9 has ChiSquare: 123.054668
Generation 10 has ChiSquare: 123.054668
Generation 11 has ChiSquare: 123.054668
Generation 12 has ChiSquare: 122.561794
Generation 13 has ChiSquare: 121.069338
Generation 14 has ChiSquare: 120.828279
Generation 15 has ChiSquare: 117.732442
Generation 16 has ChiSquare: 117.732442
Generation 17 has ChiSquare: 117.340042
Generation 18 has ChiSquare: 117.340042
Generation 19 has ChiSquare: 117.340042
Generation 20 has ChiSquare: 117.340042
Generation 21 has ChiSquare: 117.340042
Generation 22 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 23 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 24 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 25 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 26 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 27 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 28 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 29 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 30 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 31 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 32 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 33 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 34 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 35 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 36 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 37 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 38 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 39 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 40 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 41 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 42 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 43 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 44 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 45 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 46 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 47 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 48 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 49 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 50 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
Generation 51 has ChiSquare: 116.750933
STOP("VTRChangeOverGeneration with {'ftol': 0.005, 'gtol': 1e-06, 'generations': 30, 'target': 0.0}")
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 116.750933
         Iterations: 51
         Function evaluations: 1040

>>> A.dot(rv)
array([18.  ,  0.75, 11.5 ])


>>> stepmon = my.monitors.VerboseMonitor(1)
>>> rv = my.solvers.fmin_powell(loss, x0=[1]*len(c), bounds=bounds, constraints=cons, itermon=stepmon, disp=1)
Generation 0 has ChiSquare: 244559.856997
Generation 1 has ChiSquare: 116357.59447400003
Generation 2 has ChiSquare: 121.23445799999999
Generation 3 has ChiSquare: 117.635447
Generation 4 has ChiSquare: 117.59764200000001
Generation 5 has ChiSquare: 117.59764200000001
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 117.597642
         Iterations: 5
         Function evaluations: 388
STOP("NormalizedChangeOverGeneration with {'tolerance': 0.0001, 'generations': 2}")

>>> A.dot(rv)
array([18.  ,  0.75, 11.5 ])

不错。但是,您想限制 的评估次数loss,并且还希望能够在loss接近最小值时停止......所以让我们说什么时候停止loss(x) <= 120。我还将函数评估的数量限制为200.

>>> stepmon = my.monitors.VerboseMonitor(1)
>>> rv = my.solvers.fmin_powell(loss, x0=[1]*len(c), bounds=bounds, constraints=cons, itermon=stepmon, disp=1, maxfun=200, gtol=None, ftol=120)
Generation 0 has ChiSquare: 244559.856997
Generation 1 has ChiSquare: 116357.59447400003
Generation 2 has ChiSquare: 121.23445799999999
Generation 3 has ChiSquare: 117.635447
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 117.635447
         Iterations: 3
         Function evaluations: 175
STOP("VTRChangeOverGeneration with {'ftol': 120, 'gtol': 1e-06, 'generations': 30, 'target': 0.0}")

>>> A.dot(rv)
array([18.  ,  0.75, 11.5 ])
>>> rv
array([1.93873933, 0.00381084, 1.19255017, 0.0807893 , 0.0949684 ])


于 2020-12-30T17:15:55.590 回答