I have a Xaml.Forms app that uses FreshMVVM. I open a certain page from app.xaml.cs like this:

        Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
            var navService = FreshIOC.Container.Resolve<IFreshNavigationService>(FreshMvvm.Constants.DefaultNavigationServiceName);
            Page page = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel<SomePageModel>();
            await navService.PushPage(page, null);


But I need to add a check to prevent doing this if this page is already open. How can I make such a check?


1 回答 1


Add a static bool value in the App class to check if the page has been opened:

public partial class App : Application
    public static bool isPageOpened;
    public App()

        MainPage = new MainPage();

    public void test()

        if (App.isPageOpened = false)
            Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                var navService = FreshIOC.Container.Resolve<IFreshNavigationService>(FreshMvvm.Constants.DefaultNavigationServiceName);
                Page page = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel<SomePageModel>();

                App.isPageOpened = true;

                await navService.PushPage(page, null);

And in the page's OnDisappearing method, set the isPageOpened to false:

public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
    public MainPage()

    protected override void OnDisappearing()

        App.isPageOpened = false;
于 2020-12-25T01:54:03.897 回答