The conclusion of the discussion of this question, for now, is crystal report printing is slower than a text file in a dot matrix printer.
So if we talk for generating a report in a text file,
Following are some variables given by my colleague which eases to generate reports in a text file.
'---------------------------------------------DOT MATRIX PRINTER VARIABLES-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim es = Chr(27)
Dim eject = Chr(12)
Dim bx1 = Chr(176)
Dim bx2 = Chr(177)
Dim bx3 = Chr(178)
Dim bx4 = Chr(219)
Dim ebig1 = Chr(14) & Chr(27) & "w1" & Chr(27) & "G" 'extra large
Dim ebig2 = Chr(27) & "w0" & Chr(27) & "H" & Chr(18) 'extra large
Dim emf1 = es & "E" ' Select Emphasize Mode
Dim emf2 = es & "F" ' Cancel Emphasize Mode
Dim ita1 = es & "4" ' Select Italic Mode
Dim ita2 = es & "5" ' Cancel Italic Mode
Dim uln1 = es & "-1" ' Turn Underlining On
Dim uln2 = es & "-0" ' Turn Underlining Off
'Commented variables are for small column printers like Epson printers
'Dim chr1 = Chr(27) & "(s10H"
'Dim chr2 = Chr(27) & "(s10H"
'Dim cnd1 = Chr(27) & "(s16.5H"
'Dim cnd2 = Chr(27) & "(s10H"
'Dim big1 = Chr(27) & " "
'Dim big2 = Chr(27) & " "
'Dim stk1 = Chr(27) & "(s5H"
'Dim stk2 = Chr(27) & "(s10H"
Dim chr1 = es & "M" ' Select 12 Pitch"
Dim chr2 = es & "P" ' Select 10 Pitch
Dim big1 = es & "W1" ' Select Double-width Mode(one line)"
Dim big2 = es & "W0" ' Cancel Double-width Mode(one line)"
Dim cnd1 = Chr(15) ' Select Condensed Mode
Dim cnd2 = Chr(18) ' Cancel Condensed Mode
Dim stk1 = es & "G" ' Select Double-strike Mode
Dim stk2 = es & "H" ' Cancel Double-strike Mode
Direct printing a text file to dot matrix printer might won't work.
Note: Run the text file using bat file to work.
This is how I created a report in a text file. Some of the variable declarations not shown here.
stringToPrint = Nothing
Dim Repline As String = String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat("=", 80)) '
A LINE CREATED WITH 80 '=' character to show a visible linefeed
stringToPrint = chr2 & Environment.NewLine & big1 & PubCName & big2 & Environment.NewLine
stringToPrint = stringToPrint & Left$(PubCAdd, 30) & Space(IIf(PubCAdd.Length > 30, 0, 30 - PubCAdd.Length)) & Space(5) & "GST NO./PAN NO." & Space(1) & PubGSTNo & Environment.NewLine
stringToPrint = stringToPrint & Left$(PubCAdd2, 30) & Space(IIf(PubCAdd2.Length > 30, 0, 30 - PubCAdd2.Length)) & Space(5) & "PHONE NO." & Space(1) & PubCPh1 & Environment.NewLine
stringToPrint = stringToPrint & PubCCity & "-" & Space(1) & PubPinCode & Space(10) & big1 & "***TAX INVOICE***" & big2 & Environment.NewLine
stringToPrint = stringToPrint & Repline & Environment.NewLine
I generated a bat file say Print.bat. The code inside bat file is
@echo off
type fileaddresshere > prn
fileaddresshere includes whole address along with the extension. Example: D:\TextPrint.txt
I am not aware of the last special character in the code above but will update the answer as soon as I get it.
Please feel free to give suggestion for this answer. Even I am trying these codes and watching its effect in print for now so all is trial and error for me.