这很可能只是一个 KISS 时刻,但我觉得无论如何我都应该问。

我有一个线程,它正在从套接字 InputStream 读取。由于我正在处理特别小的数据大小(因为我可以期望接收的数据是 100 - 200 字节的顺序),我将缓冲区数组大小设置为 256。作为我的读取功能的一部分,我有一个检查这将确保当我从 InputStream 中读取所有数据时。如果我没有,那么我将再次递归调用 read 函数。对于每个递归调用,我将两个缓冲区数组重新合并在一起。

我的问题是,虽然我从没想过会使用超过 256 的缓冲区,但我想保证安全。但是,如果绵羊开始飞行并且缓冲区明显更多,则读取函数(通过估计)将开始花费更多时间来完成指数曲线。



int BUFFER_AMOUNT = 256;

private int read(byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
   int bytes = mInStream.read(buffer); // Read the input stream

   if (bytes == -1) { // If bytes == -1 then we didn't get all of the data

        byte[] newBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_AMOUNT]; // Try to get the rest
        int newBytes;
        newBytes = read(newBuffer); // Recurse until we have all the data

        byte[] oldBuffer = new byte[bytes + newBytes]; // make the final array size

        // Merge buffer into the begining of old buffer.
        // We do this so that once the method finishes, we can just add the 
        // modified buffer to a queue later in the class for processing.
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) 
            oldBuffer[i] = buffer[i];

        for (int i = bytes; i < bytes + newBytes; i++) // Merge newBuffer into the latter half of old Buffer
            oldBuffer[i] = newBuffer[i];
        // Used for the recursion

        buffer = oldBuffer; // And now we set buffer to the new buffer full of all the data.
        return bytes + newBytes;
    return bytes;

编辑:我是不是偏执狂(不合理),应该将缓冲区设置为 2048 并称之为完成?


3 回答 3


BufferedInputStream,正如 Roland 所指出的,并且DataInputStream.readFully(),它替换了所有循环代码。

于 2011-06-30T23:41:11.873 回答
int BUFFER_AMOUNT = 256;


if (bytes == -1) {



于 2011-06-30T21:04:02.650 回答


在前一种情况下,只需BufferedInputStream用 4096 字节的缓冲区包装输入并从中读取。


  * Reads as much as possible from the stream.
  * @return The number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1
  *         if nothing has been read because the end of file has been reached.
static int readGreedily(InputStream is, byte[] buf, int start, int len) {
  int nread;
  int ptr = start; // index at which the data is put into the buffer
  int rest = len; // number of bytes that we still want to read

  while ((nread = is.read(buf, ptr, rest)) > 0) {
    ptr += nread;
    rest -= nread;

  int totalRead = len - rest;
  return (nread == -1 && totalRead == 0) ? -1 : totalRead;


于 2011-06-30T21:15:35.777 回答