select d.dt, 'USD', t.ex_rate
from (
select generate_series(min(date), max(date), interval '1 day') as dt
from mytable
where currency = 'USD'
) d
cross join lateral (
select t.*
from mytable t
where currency = 'USD' and t.date <= d.dt
order by t.date desc limit 1
) t
我想知道left join
select dt, 'USD', max(ex_rate) over(partition by grp) as ex_rate
from (
select d.*, t.*,
count(t.date) over(order by d.dt) as grp
from (
select generate_series(min(date), max(date), interval '1 day') as dt
from mytable
where currency = 'USD'
) d
left join mytable t on currency = 'USD' and t.date = d.dt
) t
select dt, currency, max(ex_rate) over(partition by currency, grp) as ex_rate
from (
select d.dt, c.currency, t.ex_rate,
count(t.date) over(partition by c.currency order by d.dt) as grp
from (select distinct currency from mytable) c
cross join (
select generate_series(min(date), max(date), interval '1 day') as dt
from mytable
) d
left join mytable t on t.currency = c.currency and t.date = d.dt
) t