我在 Windows 10 中使用烧瓶。我想对协议使用 HTTPS。但是,我使用flask+asyncio,所以不能使用“ssl=...”方法。在我的情况下如何实现 HTTPS?
import hypercorn.asyncio
from app import app, client, telegram_handler
# must import telegram_handler script here to separate bot session and client from celery
async def main():
# for event in telegram_handler.bot.list_event_handlers():
# print(event)
# await telegram_handler.bot.catch_up() # doesn't work due to telethon lib issue.
await hypercorn.asyncio.serve(app, hypercorn.Config()) # this throw Exception when press Ctrl-C
# By default, `Quart.run` uses `asyncio.run()`, which creates a new asyncio
# event loop. If we create the `TelegramClient` before, `telethon` will
# use `asyncio.get_event_loop()`, which is the implicit loop in the main
# thread. These two loops are different, and it won't work.
# So, we have to manually pass the same `loop` to both applications to
# make 100% sure it works and to avoid headaches.
# To run Quart inside `async def`, we must use `hypercorn.asyncio.serve()`
# directly.
# This example creates a global client outside of Quart handlers.
# If you create the client inside the handlers (common case), you
# won't have to worry about any of this, but it's still good to be
# explicit about the event loop.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# client.add_event_handler(handler)
# must start so that it can add event handler
# print("Start client...")
# must connect before it can start, so on initial run this will hang because cannot get OTP
# client.start()
# print("Client started!")
Thia 是我的超角配置类:
class Config:
_bind = [""]
_insecure_bind: List[str] = []
_quic_bind: List[str] = []
_quic_addresses: List[Tuple] = []
_log: Optional[Logger] = None
access_log_format = '%(h)s %(l)s %(l)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"'
accesslog: Union[logging.Logger, str, None] = None
alpn_protocols = ["h2", "http/1.1"]
alt_svc_headers: List[str] = []
application_path: str
backlog = 100
ca_certs: Optional[str] = None
certfile: Optional[str] = None
ciphers: str = "ECDHE+AESGCM"
debug = False
dogstatsd_tags = ""
errorlog: Union[logging.Logger, str, None] = "-"
graceful_timeout: float = 3 * SECONDS
group: Optional[int] = None
h11_max_incomplete_size = 16 * 1024 * BYTES
h2_max_concurrent_streams = 100
h2_max_header_list_size = 2 ** 16
h2_max_inbound_frame_size = 2 ** 14 * OCTETS
include_server_header = True
keep_alive_timeout = 5 * SECONDS
keyfile: Optional[str] = None
Optional[str] = None
logconfig_dict: Optional[dict] = None
logger_class = Logger
loglevel: str = "INFO"
max_app_queue_size: int = 10
pid_path: Optional[str] = None
root_path = ""
server_names: List[str] = []
shutdown_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
ssl_handshake_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
startup_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
statsd_host: Optional[str] = None
statsd_prefix = ""
umask: Optional[int] = None
use_reloader = False
user: Optional[int] = None
verify_flags: Optional[VerifyFlags] = None
verify_mode: Optional[VerifyMode] = None
websocket_max_message_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024 * BYTES
websocket_ping_interval: Optional[int] = None
worker_class = "asyncio"
workers = 1
如何获取 HTTPS 的证书文件?
我在哪里可以为 HTTPS 生成这些证书文件?