对于python 中的预训练模型,我们可以重置输入/输出形状:

from tensorflow import keras

# Load the model
model = keras.models.load_model('models/generator.h5')

# Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
inputs = keras.Input((None, None, 3))

# Trace out the graph using the input:
outputs = model(inputs)

# Override the model:
model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs)


我正在尝试在 TFJS 中做同样的事情:

 // Load the model
 this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel('/assets/fast_srgan/model.json');

 // Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
 const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
 // Trace out the graph using the input.
 const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;

 // Override the model.
 this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});

TFJS 不支持模型中的某一层:


 u = keras.layers.Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same')(layer_input)
 u = tf.nn.depth_to_space(u, 2) # <- TFJS does not support this layer
 u = keras.layers.PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(u)



import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

 export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
    constructor() {

    computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
        // I think the issue is here
        // because the error occurs during initialization of the model
        return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];

    call(input): tf.Tensor {
        const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
        return result;

    static get className() {
        return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';


 tf.tidy(() => {
     let img = tf.browser.fromPixels(this.imgLr.nativeElement, 3);

     img = tf.div(img, 255);
     img = tf.expandDims(img, 0);

     let sr = this.model.predict(img) as tf.Tensor;

     sr = tf.mul(tf.div(tf.add(sr, 1), 2), 255).arraySync()[0];

     tf.browser.toPixels(sr as tf.Tensor3D, this.imgSrCanvas.nativeElement);


错误:输入 0 与层 p_re_lu 不兼容:输入形状的预期轴 1 的值为 96,但形状为 1,128,128,32。

预训练模型使用 96x96 像素图像进行训练。如果我使用 96x96 图像,它可以工作。但是如果我尝试使用其他尺寸(例如 128x128),它就不起作用了。在 python 中,我们可以轻松地重置输入/输出形状。为什么它在 JS 中不起作用?


2 回答 2



this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
于 2020-12-20T15:45:38.217 回答


import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

 export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
    constructor() {

    computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
        return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];

    call(input): tf.Tensor {
        const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
        return result;

    static get className() {
        return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';

并看到:当我不尝试重写大小时,computeOutputShape, 方法只工作两次,当我尝试重置输入/输出时它工作 4 次。好吧,然后我打开模型的 JSON 文件并将输入从 [null, 96, 96, 32] 更改为 [null, 128, 128, 32] 并删除了这些行:

 // Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
 const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
 // Trace out the graph using the input.
 const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;

 // Override the model.
 this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});

现在它适用于 128x128 图像。它看起来像上面的代码,添加层而不是重写它们。

于 2020-12-21T13:55:13.573 回答