我正在尝试解决hackerrank中的一个问题,讨论中的其他人说他们使用AC算法解决了这个问题。我的实现构建 trie 和确定后缀的速度相对较快,但字符串的实际匹配需要很长时间。有什么我想念的吗?插入/搜索的二等分有助于加快速度,但我不确定还有什么需要改进的(可能是不知道我不知道的情况。)我认为这可能与我的方式有关创建了特里,但我不确定。这是我的实现:

import sys
import bisect

class node():
    def __init__(self):
        self.child_names = [] # Nodes this node leads to
        self.child_idxs = []  # Indices of child nodes in main list
        self.gene_idxs = []   # Gene number for health value
        self.healths = []     # Health(s) of this node (may have different healths for same gene)
        self.suffix = 0       # Where to go if there is no match/look for points

    def add_child(self, child_name, child_idx):
        idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.child_names, child_name)
        self.child_names.insert(idx, child_name)
        self.child_idxs.insert(idx, child_idx)

    def add_health(self, gene_idx, health):
        idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.gene_idxs, gene_idx)
        self.gene_idxs.insert(idx, gene_idx)
        self.healths.insert(idx, health)

    def has_name(self, name):
        # Locate the leftmost value exactly equal to x
        i = bisect.bisect_left(self.child_names, name)
        if i != len(self.child_names) and self.child_names[i] == name:
            return (True, self.child_idxs[i])
        return (False, 0)

nodes = [node()]

def add_gene(gene, gene_idx, health):
    Add gene to "trie"
    new_parent_idx = 0
    for g_char in gene:
        char_is_child, idx = nodes[new_parent_idx].has_name(g_char)
        if not char_is_child:
            nodes[new_parent_idx].add_child(g_char, len(nodes)-1)
            new_parent_idx = len(nodes)-1
            new_parent_idx = idx
    nodes[new_parent_idx].add_health(gene_idx, health)

def get_longest_suffix():
    Get each node's longest suffix. This is where it will go to if there
    is no match, or where it will check for points
    # Breadth-first search, starting with origin's children
    next_level = nodes[0].child_idxs
    while next_level:
        new_next_level = []
        for parent_idx in next_level:
            # Look in the parent's suffix to see if there is a child match;
            # this is the fastest way of finding a child's suffix
            parent_suffix = nodes[parent_idx].suffix

            for childname, child_idx in zip(nodes[parent_idx].child_names, nodes[parent_idx].child_idxs):
                char_is_child, char_idx = nodes[parent_suffix].has_name(childname)
                if char_is_child:
                    nodes[child_idx].suffix = char_idx
                    for i in range(len(nodes[char_idx].gene_idxs)):
                            nodes[char_idx].gene_idxs[i], nodes[char_idx].healths[i])
            new_next_level += nodes[parent_idx].child_idxs
        next_level = new_next_level.copy()

def find_next_node(current_node_idx, d_char):
    Find which node to go to next based on input char. May be suffix, origin, or just skip this char
    char_is_child, child_idx = nodes[current_node_idx].has_name(d_char)
    if char_is_child:
        return child_idx
    elif (current_node_idx == 0):
        char_is_child, child_idx = nodes[0].has_name(d_char)
        if not char_is_child:
            return 0
            return child_idx
        return find_next_node(nodes[current_node_idx].suffix, d_char)

def match(d_string, first, last):
    new_node_idx = 0
    d_health = 0
    for d_char in d_string:
        new_node_idx = find_next_node(new_node_idx, d_char)
        start = bisect.bisect_left(nodes[new_node_idx].gene_idxs, first)
        stop = bisect.bisect_right(nodes[new_node_idx].gene_idxs, last)
        for i in range(start, stop):
            d_health += nodes[new_node_idx].healths[i]
    return d_health

if __name__ == '__main__':

    input_file = sys.argv[1]
    with open(input_file) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    n = int(lines[0])
    genes = lines[1].rstrip().split()
    health = list(map(int, lines[2].rstrip().split()))

    for gene_idx, gene in enumerate(genes):
        add_gene(gene, gene_idx, health[gene_idx])


    # Calculate health of all sequences
    min_health = 10**9
    max_health = 0
    s = int(lines[3])

    for s_itr in range(s):
        firstLastd = lines[4+s_itr].split()
        first = int(firstLastd[0])
        last = int(firstLastd[1])
        d_string = firstLastd[2]

        # Start at the origin and traverse tree, adding health for matches
        d_health = match(d_string, first, last)

        if d_health < min_health:
            min_health = d_health
        if d_health > max_health:
            max_health = d_health

    print(str(min_health) + " " + str(max_health))

还有一个我用来测试的简单输入文件(这个不需要很长时间,需要很长时间的文件就像 2MB:

a b c aa d b
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 caaab
0 4 xyz
2 4 bcdybc


   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    44850   12.989    0.000   16.044    0.000 dna_health.py:93(match)
  2418760    1.030    0.000    1.030    0.000 {built-in method _bisect.bisect_left}
  1600902    0.993    0.000    1.559    0.000 dna_health.py:24(has_name)
1300650/717600    0.705    0.000    1.997    0.000 dna_health.py:76(find_next_node)
   717600    0.492    0.000    0.492    0.000 {built-in method _bisect.bisect_right}
        1    0.170    0.170   16.813   16.813 dna_health.py:2(<module>)
  1601673    0.138    0.000    0.138    0.000 {built-in method builtins.len}
   100000    0.125    0.000    0.519    0.000 dna_health.py:35(add_gene)
   100000    0.063    0.000    0.127    0.000 dna_health.py:19(add_health)

1 回答 1



for node in nodes:
    node.cumulativeHealth = [0] + itertools.accumulate(node.health)


d_health += node.cumulativeHealth[stop] - node.cumulativeHealth[start]


def match(d_string, first, last):
    new_node_idx = 0
    d_health = 0
    for d_char in d_string:
        new_node_idx = find_next_node(new_node_idx, d_char)
        node = nodes[new_node_idx]
        gene_idxs = node.gene_idxs
        start = bisect.bisect_left(gene_idxs, first)
        stop = bisect.bisect_right(gene_idxs, last)
        d_health += node.cumulativeHealth[stop] - node.cumulativeHealth[start]
    return d_health
于 2020-12-23T18:37:11.333 回答