我正在按照教程在 React 中使用 fluentui 构建仪表板,然后将对其进行自定义和更改。但是,我完全按照教程进行操作,没有出现任何错误,但由于某种原因,卡片和表格出现在屏幕底部,看起来不像它们的样式,并且表格中没有数据。

我的代码与此处的教程完全相同:https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9s6dsdu_9c 。我将在下面发布一个屏幕截图,说明我的 atm 外观以及下面的所有相关代码。




import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router} from 'react-router-dom';
import './App.css';
import 'office-ui-fabric-react/dist/css/fabric.css';

import Chart3 from './Components/Chart/Chart3';
import Jumbo from './Components/Jumbotron/Jumbotron';

import Footer from './Components/Footer/Footer';
import Header from './Components/Navbar/Navbar';
import Navigation from './Navigation/Navigation';
import CardsSection from './Components/Cards/Card';
import Table from './Components/Table/Table';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="ms-grid" dir="ltr">
      <div className="ms-grid-row">
        <div className="ms-grid-col ms-sm1 ms-xl1">
          <Navigation />
        <div className="ms-Grid-col ms-sm11 ms-xl11 main-element">
          <div className="ms-Grid-row">
            <CardsSection />
          <div className="ms-Grid-row">
            <Table />


export default App;


import React from 'react';
import {Nav, initializeIcons} from '@fluentui/react';

const Links = [
        links: [
                name: 'Dashboard',
                url: '/',
                key: 'key1',
                iconProps: {
                    iconName: 'News',
                    styles: {
                        root: {
                            fontSize: 20,
                            color: '#106ebe'
                name: 'Settings',
                url: '/',
                key: 'key2',
                iconProps: {
                    iconName: 'SwitcherStartEnd',
                    styles: {
                        root: {
                            fontSize: 20,
                            color: '#106ebe'
                name: 'Charts',
                url: '/',
                key: 'key3',
                iconProps: {
                    iconName: 'StackedLineChart',
                    styles: {
                        root: {
                            fontSize: 20,
                            color: '#106ebe'

//Styling for the navigation
const navigationStyles = {
    root: {
        height: '100vh',
        boxSizing: 'border-box',
        border: '1px solid',
        overFlowY: 'auto',
        paddingTop: '10vh'

const Navigation = () => {
    initializeIcons(); //initalizing so we can see icons when we use them
    return (

export default Navigation;


import React from 'react';
import { Card } from '@uifabric/react-cards';
import { Text, initializeIcons} from '@fluentui/react';
import 'office-ui-fabric-react/dist/css/fabric.css';

const container = {
    display: 'flex',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    margin: '10vh 0'

const icon = {
    fontSize: 24,
    padding: 15,
    verticalAlign: 'middle',
    paddingLeft: 0,
    color: '#0078d4'

const styles = {
    cardStyles: {
        root: {
            backgroundColor: 'white',
            padding: 20,
            borderTop: '5px solid #0078d4',
            width: '90%',
            maxWidth: '90%',
            margin: 'auto'

    header: {
        root: {
            fontSize: 20,
            fontWeight: 'bold',
    amount: {
        root: {
            fontSize: 26,
            paddingBottom: 20,
            paddingTop: 30,
    amount: {
        root: {
            fontSize: 16,
            fontWeight: 'bold',
            color: '#0078d4'

const cards = [
        title: 'current balance',
        amount: '21',
        icon: 'Money',
        percentage: '2.3',
        title: 'current expenses',
        amount: '215',
        icon: 'PaymrntCard',
        percentage: '2.3',
        title: 'current income',
        amount: '21',
        icon: 'Savings',
        percentage: '2.3',

const CardsSection= () => {
    initializeIcons();//initailizing icons so can be used 
    return (
        <div style={container}>
            {cards.map((card) => (
                <div className="s-Grid-col ms-sm3 ms-xl3">
                    <Card styles={styles.cardStyle}>
                                <i style={icon} className={`ms-Icon ms-Icon--${card.icon}`} aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                <Text styles={styles.header}>{card.title}</Text>
                                <Text styles={styles.amount}>{card.amount}</Text>
                                <Text styles={styles.percentage}>{card.percentage}%</Text>

export default CardsSection;


import React from 'react';
import { DetailsList } from '@fluentui/react';
import { mergeStyleSets } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Styling';
import 'office-ui-fabric-react/dist/css/fabric.css';

const operations = [
        from: '0000 0284 7529 304304',
        to: '0000 9876 9876 5678 4123',
        amount: '1.343',
        date: '20-05-2020'
        from: '0000 0284 7529 304304',
        to: '0000 9876 9876 5678 4123',
        amount: '1.343',
        date: '20-05-2020'
        from: '0000 0284 7529 304304',
        to: '0000 9876 9876 5678 4123',
        amount: '1.343',
        date: '20-05-2020'
        from: '0000 0284 7529 304304',
        to: '0000 9876 9876 5678 4123',
        amount: '1.343',
        date: '20-05-2020'
        from: '0000 0284 7529 304304',
        to: '0000 9876 9876 5678 4123',
        amount: '1.343',
        date: '20-05-2020'

const columns = [
    { key: 'column1', name: 'From', fieldName:'From', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 300, isResizable: true },
    { key: 'column2', name: 'To', fieldName:'To', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 300, isResizable: true },
    { key: 'column3', name: 'Amount', fieldName:'Amount', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 300, isResizable: true },
    { key: 'column4', name: 'Date', fieldName:'Date', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 300, isResizable: true },
const classNames = mergeStyleSets({
    teble: {
        margin: 'auto'
const Table = () => {
    return (
        <div data-is-scrollable={true}>
            <div className={`s-Grid-col ms-sm9 ms-xl9 ${classNames.table}`}>

export default Table

1 回答 1


在 Table.js 中,className 中有一个拼写错误。它必须是ms-Grid-col而不是s-Grid-col

于 2021-03-05T04:38:31.213 回答