刚开始学习mlr3,看了mlr3的书(参数优化)。在书中,他们提供了嵌套超参数的示例,但我不知道如何提供最终预测,即预测(模型、测试数据)。以下代码提供了学习器、任务、内部重采样(holdout)、外部重采样(3-fold CV)和用于调整的网格搜索。我的问题是:
(1) Dont we need to train the optimized model i.e. at in this case like train(at, task) ?
(2) After train, how to predict the data with test data as I am not seeing any splits of train and test data?
The code taken from mlr3 book (https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/nested-resampling.html) is as follows:
task = tsk("iris")
learner = lrn("classif.rpart")
resampling = rsmp("holdout")
measure = msr("classif.ce")
param_set = paradox::ParamSet$new(
params = list(paradox::ParamDbl$new("cp", lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1)))
terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 5)
tuner = tnr("grid_search", resolution = 10)
at = AutoTuner$new(learner, resampling, measure = measure,
param_set, terminator, tuner = tuner)
rr = resample(task = task, learner = at, resampling = resampling_outer)