我想添加一个全局 X11 绑定,最好通过 ST3 配置,当激活时,将:
- 将焦点移至 ST3 窗口并查看,
- 这还涉及切换到正确的虚拟桌面,
- 调用一个崇高的命令(文本命令或其他)。
我正在做一些 Xlib / EWMH 编码,我可以“手动”进行激活和桌面切换。我只需要一个全局 X11 绑定,它会调用 Sublime Text 命令。这种绑定可以通过 Sublime 配置实现吗?如果没有,那么如何完成上述操作?
我想添加一个全局 X11 绑定,最好通过 ST3 配置,当激活时,将:
我正在做一些 Xlib / EWMH 编码,我可以“手动”进行激活和桌面切换。我只需要一个全局 X11 绑定,它会调用 Sublime Text 命令。这种绑定可以通过 Sublime 配置实现吗?如果没有,那么如何完成上述操作?
我不确定你所说的全局 X11 绑定到底是什么意思,但我想说你想要实现的目标可以通过 Xlib 和 EWMH 结合 Sublime Text 插件来聚焦所需的视图并调用 ST 命令。
下面是所需逻辑的完整工作基本模型,它使用 Bash 脚本来聚焦窗口并切换虚拟桌面,然后调用 Sublime Text 插件来更改视图并运行所需的命令。
一个有用的实用程序向 EWMH/NetWM 兼容的 X 窗口管理器发出命令。
将此文件另存为 Bash 脚本并授予其可执行权限:
# EWMH WM_CLASS for Sublime Text 3: "sublime_text.Sublime_text"
# EWMH WM_NAME examples: "~/Path/FileName.ext (Project Name) - Sublime Text"
# "~/Path/No Project.ext - Sublime Text"
# "untitled - Sublime Text"
# "~/Path/FileName.ext • (Project) - Sublime Text"
# Note: The project file name without the extension will be shown in brackets
# if there is a project file. '•' (see last example above) will be added if
# the file is unsaved and the suffix " - Sublime Text" is always added.
# Example: "~/Programming/Projects/MyProject.sublime-project" --> "MyProject"
# Example "wmctrl -lx" line:
# 0x02400003 0 sublime_text.Sublime_text host ~/File.ext (MyProject) - Sublime Text
# WinID Desktop WM_CLASS hostname WM_NAME
target_window=$(wmctrl -lx | grep ".*sublime_text.Sublime_text.*($target_project).*")
if [ "$target_window" = "" ]; then
target_window_id=$(echo "$target_window" | grep -Eo '0x[0-9a-f]+')
if [ "$target_window_id" = "" ]; then
# Switch focus to the window, wmctrl will switch virtual desktops if needed.
wmctrl -ia "$target_window_id"
# Call the Sublime Text window command:
# [This assumes Sublime Text is already running.]
subl --background --command "focus_view_invoke_cmd"
将此文件保存在 ST3 配置Packages
import os.path
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
# Command created by ST for this class: focus_view_invoke_cmd
# How to set or find the command name of a Sublime Text plugin
# see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63979147/2102457
class FocusViewInvokeCmdCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
# view_name_to_match is a file or unsaved buffer
# name that the focus should be switched to. e.g.
view_name_to_match = "MyToDoList"
for view in self.window.views():
if view_name_to_match in self.view_name(view):
def view_name(self, view):
# Return the file name (not full path) if the buffer is saved.
if view.file_name():
path = view.file_name()
return os.path.basename(path)
# Return the buffer name; i.e. the name the user has assigned,
# or the buffer's 1st line auto. assigned by ST, or "untitled".
# "untitled" is the default displayed name shown by ST
# for all buffers which are both unsaved and unnamed,
# but view.name() returns "" for "untitled" buffers.
return view.name() if view.name() else "untitled"
def run_command(self, view):
command_to_run = "insert"
command_args = {"characters": "This is a test! :)"}
# In each of the run_command() methods the
# command_args parameter may be omitted.
# Use to run a *text command* on the view.
view.run_command(command_to_run, command_args)
# Use to run a *window command*.
# self.window.run_command(command_to_run, command_args)
# Use to run an *application command*.
# sublime.run_command(command_to_run, command_args)